Just at 8:30 CST this morning, I heard (I think) Bob Edwards on NPR
blurt out something about Swedish tax rates that smelled rather
unsavory.  He claimed that several Swedish executives (I think he
cited three examples) had to paid over 100% taxes on their wages.
This sounds outrageous, of course, because as we all know, Sweden is a
tax-and-spend hell-hole, and this just goes to show you that limited
government is best, and the market should allocate income, blah blah

What was fishy of course was that there was no mention of whether
perhaps these executives had to pay this money this year because of
lower payments in previous years, or because of some accounting trick,
or perhaps most likely because they had income other than wage income
that was not taxed at a high rate.

Does anyone know more about this story who could shed some light on
the details?


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