I propose we continue this by your putting forward
four (or less, if possible) basic policy changes that
would make possible the reduction of the working day.

To hold up my end, I will do the same now:

**** Lower or no taxes on the first X dollars of labor
earnings, higher on the remainder (there is more
than one way to do this, but the principle is the
main thing).

**** Preclude payment of health care costs by business firms.
(also disability & life insurance, other fringes) by establishing
alternative sources

**** Increase mandated overtime pay (definition of work week, etc.)

**** Facilitate non-standard work arrangements that
permit shorter weeks (conditional on ensuring
fringes noted above)

Then anyone who cares to can pick apart
the proposals or their rationales.


You're right.  Now is a good time to talk about it.
That still leaves the heap o' work.  -- mbs

I have to fall back on the position that it is therefore *always* important
principle to do the heap of work it takes to launch that discussion. . . .

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