If anyone needs an example of the mis-use of cost-benefits analysis...Of
course, if something this sloppy and shoddy had been done to justify (for
example) increased environmental regulation, it would have been laughed at
and dismissed by NBER economist types.

This reminds me for three unrelated OP-EDS in the Washington Post yesterday.
The columnists, ranging from Novak to Kuttner have just discovered, to their
chagrin, that the Bush Administration is "Pro-business, not pro-market".  It
seems at NBER if you are pro-big corporation, pro-military, pro-prison
industy, pro-national security state, anything goes.  At least the last
paragraph of this abstract basically acknowledges that the whole thing is a


"Annual expenditures of approximately $10 billion on drug incarceration
almost pay for themselves through reductions in health care costs and lost
productivity attributable to illegal drug use, even ignoring any crime
reductions associated with such incarceration."

The number of Americans incarcerated on drug-related offenses rose 15-fold
between 1980 and 2000, to its current level of 400,000. Despite this
enormous increase, there has been no systematic, empirical analysis until
now of the implications of the new, tougher drug laws for public safety,
drug markets, and public policy.

In "An Empirical Analysis of Imprisoning Drug Offenders"
(http://papers.nber.org/papers/W8489), authors Ilyana Kuziemko and Steven
Levitt find that the increase in the prison population on drug-related
offenses led to reductions in time served for other crimes, especially for
less serious offenses. This phenomenon is primarily attributable to the
limited space available at penal institutions. However, despite this
reduction in time served, other crimes did not increase more than a few

The authors also find that incarcerating drug offenders was almost as
effective in reducing violent and property crime as was incarcerating other
types of offenders. Furthermore, as a consequence of increases in
punishments for drug-related crimes, cocaine prices are 10-15 percent
higher today than they were in 1985. This jump in price implies that
cocaine consumption fell, perhaps as much as 20 percent.

The reduction in cocaine use begins to address the long-standing question
of whether the enormous costs related to tougher punishment for drug
offenses yield similarly large benefits to society. Previous studies
suggest that the costs of current levels of incarceration across all crime
categories far exceed societal benefits. However, in the case of drug
offenders, the authors find that the cost-benefit calculations might be
more favorable, because incarceration not only lowers crime, but also drug
consumption. Annual expenditures of approximately $10 billion on drug
incarceration almost pay for themselves through reductions in health care
costs and lost productivity attributable to illegal drug use, even ignoring
any crime reductions associated with such incarceration.

The authors stress that their figures are speculative and may not include
other relevant costs and benefits. They also do not explore other,
potentially more effective ways of reducing drug usage rather than
incarceration.  (Les Picker)

Martin L. Brown
Chief, Health Services and Economics Branch
Applied Research Program
Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
National Cancer Institute
6130 Executive Blvd, Rm. EPN-4005
Bethesda, MD 20892-7344
Phone: 301-496-5716
Fax: 301-435-3710

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