I have been keeping a file on the earliet convoy stories. Some Afghan
sources claimed the convoy was going to Kabul to be present at Karzai's
installation. Reporters on the scene give eye witness accounts at variance
with the official US version of events. US sources claimed that they would
investigate but never have admitted any error. Are the results of all these
investigations actually posted somewhere. They never seem to appear in the
news media.

Cheers, Ken Hanly

U.S. troops likely killed anti-Taliban forces by mistake, sources say
Copyright © 2002 AP Online

By ROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer

WASHINGTON (February 1, 2002 12:16 p.m. EST) - It now appears highly likely
that U.S. soldiers who raided two compounds in Afghanistan on Jan. 23
mistakenly captured or killed people loyal to the new Afghan government,
American military officials said Friday

The Pentagon announced on Wednesday that U.S. Central Command, which is
responsible for U.S. military operations in the Afghanistan area, is
attempting to verify its original claim that all of the estimated 15 people
killed and the 27 taken prisoner were either al-Qaida or Taliban fighters.

Local Afghans say some of those killed were anti-Taliban forces loyal to
Hamid Karzai, the head of the interim Afghan government, and that among
those arrested were a police chief, his deputy and members of a district
council. They labeled the raid a tragic case of mistaken identities.

Two U.S. senior military officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said
Friday that while it does not look like all of those killed and captured
were friendly to the new government, some probably were.

One official said it seemed likely that the killed and captured were a
mixture of Afghans loyal to Karzai, "criminals" not necessarily associated
with the Taliban or al-Qaida, and some Taliban fighters.

One U.S. soldier suffered a bullet wound in the ankle during the raid, which
was carried out under the cover of darkness. U.S. officials said in the
raid's immediate aftermath that it was carried out on the basis of
intelligence information that indicated the compounds were an al-Qaida

Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Wednesday
that basic facts about the raid - including who shot first - had yet to be
verified. He was unwilling to say U.S. forces misidentified the targeted
compounds as hide-outs for al-Qaida or Taliban fighters.

"I don't think it was any sense on our part that we've done something
wrong," Myers said. Gen. Tommy Franks, commander in chief of U.S. Central
Command, ordered the investigation because "when there are allegations,
you've got to go run them to ground," Myers said.

Myers said it was too early to conclude that the wrong people had been
killed or captured. But he acknowledged that it is difficult in some cases
for the American military to distinguish friend from foe.

"The situation over there can be very, very complex, with allegiances
changing depending on the situation," he said.

Appearing with Myers, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Franks
ordered the investigation after hearing from Afghan officials.

"In their view, there were some people involved in that shooting that were
killed who were not Taliban or al-Qaida," Rumsfeld said. Thus, Franks
considered it appropriate to open a formal investigation, he said

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