>From :    kaveh ehsani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject :    Fwd: Evil Axis
Date :    Thu, 7 Feb 2002 05:40:00 -0800 (PST)

This from Niloofar Haeri. She teaches at  Johns
Hopkins University where she is associate professor of

  I think we[ Iranian] should all send letters to as many
newspapers as possible about the axis of evil stuff
and the role of Israel in this. I wrote one to the
International Herlad Tribune yesterday but who knows
they'll publish it. Here it is:

To the editor:

With regard to the report "No More Mister Nice Guy
with Iran" [February 5], the crucial point is this:
thrusting Iran into America’s line of fire, Israel
strengthens the most intolerant political groups in
Iran. Against all odds, Iran has been making
towards building democratic institituions. Its
President and Parliament were chosen by thoroughly
democratic means. The relentless hostilities of
towards Iran through American channels will
Iran’s hardliners and destablize the country and the
region. Israel is not a foe of extremist Islamic
forces, it is positively their best friend.

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