Doctors named as authors may not have seen raw data

by Sarah Boseley, health editor
Thursday February 7, 2002
The Guardian

Scientists are accepting large sums of money from drug companies to put
their names to articles endorsing new medicines that they have not written
- a growing practice that some fear is putting scientific integrity in

Ghostwriting has become widespread in such areas of medicine as cardiology
and psychiatry, where drugs play a major role in treatment. Senior doctors,
inevitably very busy, have become willing to "author" papers written for
them by ghostwriters paid by drug companies.

Originally, ghostwriting was confined to medical journal supplements
sponsored by the industry, but it can now be found in all the major
journals in relevant fields. In some cases, it is alleged, the scientists
named as authors will not have seen the raw data they are writing about -
just tables compiled by company employees.

The doctors, who may also give a talk based on the paper to an audience of
other doctors at a drug company-sponsored symposium, receive substantial
sums of money. Fuller Torrey, executive director of the Stanley Foundation
Research Programmes in Bethesda, Maryland, found in a survey that British
psychiatrists were being paid around $2,000 (£1,400) a time for symposium
talks, plus airfares and hotel accommodation, while Americans got about
$3,000. Some payments ran as high as $5,000 or $10,000.

"Some of us believe that the present system is approaching a high-class
form of professional prostitution," he said.

Robin Murray, head of the division of psychological medicine at the
Institute of Psychiatry in London, is one of those who has become
increasingly concerned. "It is clear that we have a situation where, when
an audience is listening to a well-known British psychiatrist, you
recognise the stage where the audience is uncertain as to whether the
psychiatrist really believes this or is saying it because they them selves
or their department is getting some financial reward," he said.
"I can think of a well-known British psychiatrist I met and I said, 'How
are you?' He said, 'What day is it? I'm just working out what drug I'm
supporting today.'"

Marcia Angell, former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, wrote
a year ago that when she ran a paper on antidepressant drug treatment, the
authors' financial ties to the manufacturers - which the journal requires
all contributors to declare - were so extensive that she had to run them on
the website. She decided to commission an editorial about it and spoke to
research psychiatrists, but "we found very few who did not have financial
ties to drug companies that make antidepressants."

She wrote: "Researchers serve as consultants to companies whose products
they are studying, join advisory boards and speakers' bureaus, enter into
patent and royalty arrangements, agree to be the listed authors of articles
ghostwritten by interested companies, promote drugs and devices at
company-sponsored symposiums, and allow themselves to be plied with
expensive gifts and trips to luxurious settings. Many also have equity
interest in the companies."

In September her journal joined the Lancet and 11 others in denouncing the
drug companies for imposing restrictions on the data to which scientists
are given access in the clinical trials they fund. Some of the journals
propose to demand a signed declaration that the papers scientists submit
are their own.

The success of Prozac, the antidepressant which became a cult "happy" drug
in the 1990s, substantially raised the stakes in psychiatry. Its promotion
coincided with the decline of state funding for research, leaving
scientists in all areas of medicine dependent on pharmaceutical companies
to fund or commission their work. That in turn gave the industry
unprecedented control over data and ended with research papers increasingly
being drafted by company employees or commercial agencies.
The responsibility of scientists for the content of their papers takes on
serious significance in the context of court cases in the US, where
relatives of people who killed themselves and murdered others while on
SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) - the class of drug to
which Prozac belongs - claimed the drugs were responsible. According to
David Healy, a north Wales-based psychopharmacologist who has given
evidence for the families, the companies have relied on articles apparently
authored by scientists who may in fact have not seen the raw data.
Dr Healy, who had unprecedented access to the data that the companies keep
in their archives, said: "It may well be that 50% of the articles on drugs
in the major journals across all areas of medicine are not written in a way
that the average person in the street expects them to be authored."
He cites the case brought last year against the former SmithKline Beecham
(now GlaxoSmithKline) by relatives of Donald Schell. The court found that
the company's best-selling antidepressant, an SSRI called Seroxat, had
caused Schell to murder his wife, daughter and granddaughter and commit

The company's defence was based on scientific papers which analysed the
results of trials comparing Seroxat with a placebo and found there was no
increased risk of suicide for depressed people on Seroxat. But the raw data
probably does not support that, argues Dr Healy. Some of the placebo
suicides took place while patients were withdrawing from an older drug.
When the figures are readjusted without these, he says, they show there is
substantially increased risk of suicide on Seroxat.

This raises the question of whether the eminent scientists whose names were
on the papers ever saw the raw data from the trials - or saw only tables
compiled by company employees, he says. David Dunner, a professor at the
University of Washington, who co-authored one of the papers in 1995, admits
he did not see the raw data. "I don't know who saw it. I did not," he said.
"My role in the paper was that the data were presented to us and we
analysed it and wrote it up and wrote references."

His co-author Stuart Montgomery, then of St Mary's hospital medical school
in London, declined to answer calls and emails from the Guardian. The third
name on the paper is that of Geoff Dunbar, a company employee.
The World Health Organisation has expressed concern about the ties between
industry and researchers. Jonathan Quick, director of essential drugs and
medicines policy, wrote in the latest WHO Bulletin: "If clinical trials
become a commercial venture in which self-interest overrules public
interest and desire overrules science, then the social contract which
allows research on human subjects in return for medical advances is broken."

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