Paul Volcker has agreed to lay hands on the inert body of Arthur Anderson in hopes of effectng a recovery.  He'll take no fee.

But here's part of a WSJ story with news that Saint Paul had previous contact with the Anderson executive handling Enron, from whom Volcker's group was soliciting a large donation.

       Enron Hoped to Extend Influence
       To International Accounting Group

       Staff Reporters of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL

       WASHINGTON -- Enron Corp.'s interest in         [Image]
       expanding its political influence extended to a
       little-known group that sets international accounting standards, according to
       a newly released e-mail from Enron's former accounting firm.

       The embattled Houston energy trader, which was approached early last year
       about contributing $500,000 over five years to the London-based International
       Accounting Standards Board, wanted to know what kind of "formal or informal
       access to the process" it would buy, according to the e-mail by David Duncan,
       then a partner at Arthur Andersen LLP, Enron's auditor.

        See full coverage of the       The board is an industry-funded group formed
        Enron saga1.                   to harmonize accounting rules world-wide, and
                                       routinely solicits companies in the
                                       industries it examines. But Enron officials
       were intrigued with its request "given Enron's desire to increase their
       exposure and influence in rule-making broadly," the Duncan e-mail said.

       The board received a letter from Enron suggesting it would be "delighted to
       contribute," recalled Tom Seidenstein, director of operations for the
       foundation overseeing the board. But the firm never followed through on the
       board's overture, made in February 2001 by former Federal Reserve Chairman
       Paul Volcker. Mr. Volcker is chairman of the trustees who oversee the board
       -- and now also is heading up an outside panel studying Andersen's audit
< snip >

Gene Coyle

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