[Please forward to your pro-choice friends in Ohio]

"Ironically, abortion opponents voice safety arguments when their ultimate goal - outlawing abortion - is most dangerous for women's health"

Anti-choice organizations in Ohio have introduced House Resolution
196 that would create a group to study the link between abortion and
breast cancer.  This is part of a broader campaign to distort medical
facts and frighten women into thinking that abortion causes breast
cancer.  Breast cancer is a significant concern for all women.  More
research is urgently needed to provide information on how to prevent
and treat breast cancer.  However, anti-abortion propaganda asserting
that abortion causes breast cancer is unsupported by scientific
research and is dangerous for women's health.  Click here to email
the message below to your Ohio House Representative asking him or her
to oppose this dangerous resolution

The American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute, the
National Breast Cancer Coalition, and the World Health Organization
have concluded that there is no proven link between abortion and
breast cancer.

Despite a lack of evidence associating abortion with an increased
risk of breast cancer, anti-choice groups are distorting scientific
data and manipulating information to advance their political agenda.

NARAL Ohio believes that women must have access to scientifically
accurate and unbiased information.  By distorting information and
instilling fear in women considerin abortion, such propaganda may
deter women from exercising their constitutionally protected right to
choose a safe medical procedure. Ironically, abortion opponents voice
safety arguments when their ultimate goal - outlawing abortion - is
most dangerous for women's health.

TAKE ACTION!  Click here to email the message below to your Ohio
House Representative asking them to oppose this dangerous resolution
http://www.naralaction.org/index.asp?step=2&item=1121. To get
involved and stop this legislation, contact NARAL Ohio at
614-221-2594 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For more information on this issue, check out NARAL's fact sheet:

Also check out an OPED publishe in the Dayton Daily News on
February 3, 2002 entitled "Aborting Women's Health,"


Dear Representative,

I am writing to urge you to oppose House Resolution 196, which would
create a group to study the link between abortion and breast cancer.
Breast cancer is an issue that I am greatly concerned about; however,
this legislation has been introduced based on distorted facts and is
an attempt to instill fear in women.

The American Cancer Society, the National Breast Cancer Coalition,
the National Cancer Institute, and the World Health Organization have
all found that there is no proven link between abortion and breast
cancer. Our taxpayer money should not be wasted to fund a study that
has already been conducted by numerous reputable experts on the issue
of breast cancer when there are other pressing needs in our state.

Unfortunately, anti-choice zealots are using this sensitive issue as
part of a broader campaign to discourage women from exercising
their constitutionally protected right to choose.  I believe that any
research conducted under the guise of this agenda will be biased.
The women of Ohio deserve scientifically accurate information.  I
urge you to oppose this bill and focus on funding programs that are
not attached to a political agenda.

Thank you in advance for your time.


* * * * * * * * * * *
For more information about national NARAL or your state
affiliate, log on to http://w w.naral.org.

Please forward this message to pro-choice friends and
family members. NARAL's Choice Action Network (CAN)
provides up-to-date information and easy ways to make a
difference in protecting a woman's right to choose.  If
this message was forwarded to you, subscribe to the Choice
Action Network at http://www.naralaction.org/joinForm.asp
or send an e-mail with your name and address to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the text "subscribe CAN."

To update your contact information, please go to

To see results of previous action alerts, go to
http://www.naralaction.org/webActionResults.asp. Thank you.

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