Hey! What is this Yoshie? Theory of inevitable progress? Let me assure
Yoshie and Daniel that I am not a woozy pre-capitalist romantic. But I will
continue to wonder why such assurances are necessary at all. Look at my
primitive tools, youse guys: notebook computers, scanners, printers,
spreadsheet programs, web sites, etc. I hope no one is offended when I
confess that I actually derive sensual pleasure from using these running-dog
bourgeois instruments of oppression and exploitation. HORRORS! But my
pleasure doesn't prevent me from bearing witness to the violence that takes
place every day in the name of my sovereign right to possess a separate
notebook computer for each colour in the rainbow.

Let's simplify this discussion:

undialectical critique of capitalism: bad
undialectical apology for capitalism: bad
dialectical critique of capitalism: good
dialectical apology for capitalism: intellectually dishonest

The latter proceeds by mistaking a dialectical critique for an undialectical
critique and "correcting" it where it needs no correcting.

Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:

>Just as wage labor is a necessary stage through which production must 
>pass to become socialized enough for socialism, commodification of 
>pleasure and sensuality is a necessary stage through which (broadly 
>defined) reproduction gets socialized enough for socialism.

to which Daniel Davies added:

>But more broadly, why all the fuss about "commodification" of pleasure and
>sexuality?  Isn't it enough zat zey be pleazant and zexy, without also
>demanding that they be politically correct?  And what if commodified
>products are actually *nicer* than their non-commodified equivalents?  This
>is certainly true of the brewing industry, and quite possibly of many

Tom Walker

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