2) You say, "Virtually all of us with a little gray in our heads developed a 
conception of Marxism based on boundaries within capital that no longer 
exist." I think as a vestigial die-hard, that the fundamentals have NOT 
changed, & that all economic avenues for capital are ultimately doomed. 
Because capital is failing & has had some leeway from the benefits of 
Keynesian rescue therapies - but this is ultimately sterile for capital. I do 
not think in any way that this is controversial amongst the left [The view of 
our grouping is at: 


Dear Comrade, I have used this opportunity to simply discuss some current 
issues and in no way mean any disrespect. I earnestly would not reply if I 
did not believe in my heart we are one. I have profound feelings - as do you, 
about the road to freedom. There is nothing left for me but the hard line. I 
swore to this long ago and cannot forsake everthing in my history. To 
genuflect is to be condemned to that endless eternity. Going out like a 
sucker is not option. 

What is new in the Marxist movement - in my opinion, is making concrete the 
conception and articulation of the concepts of boundary, polarization, 
antagonism as a specific movement applicable to today's reality, the question 
and issue of  "the new class," defining speculative capital as a specific 
domination of an identifiable sector of the world total social capital, 
making concrete the conception mode of production in the public sphere, 
identifying the lower section of the working class as the arena of a 
strategic thrust, defining the boundary of value as a forces is human history 
mediating the social affairs of humans and articulating all of this on the 
basis of the lexicon of the historic doctrine of the class struggle. This 
contribution in the English-speaking sector of the world belongs to a segment 
of Marxist in North America.

This is stated because in North America, we have more than less been the 
personification of the historic distortion within Marxism and the authors of 
insanity parading as science and good old common sense. Who else but a North 
American could claim more than a half century ago "modern communism was 
Americanism," when Negro's were still being hang from trees - "strange 
fruit," glorify the Roosevelt Coalition as a historical archetype, while 
North American imperialism was tightening its murderous grip of the planet 
earth and murdering a million people a day?  Tragically - to me as an 
individual, communist in North American, cling to a boundary of capitalism 
dead and try to fight along a path to recreate a period in world history that 
led to my imperialist domination of the world.  

This does not make me proud but demands that the boundary in which this 
caricature of Marxism was born be repeatedly defined, so that we may pass to 
a higher state of righteousness.  Such is my history and I am aware that the 
son pays the wages of sin of the father. Restitution is valid and the world 
"check book" will be balanced after settling an outstanding debt with my own 
bourgeoisie. A period of history will unfold where all that has been stolen 
from the world peoples shall be returned with interest and then more. 

The various diverse peoples of America and our working class are decent 
people trying very hard to escape the boundaries of the ideology of an era 
that is dead. Only the degenerate among us derived satisfaction from bombing 
human beings no matter what the rationale. Two wrongs never make a "right."  
Today our imperialist must convince the people of America they are trying to 
make the world better because very few people in North America - indeed any 
of the imperial countries, can spiritually and emotionally accept murder 
without an ideology of a greater good, sustained by continuous feeding, 
housing, water supplies and sustaining the current cultural level. Bribery 
unfolds itself for anyone with the courage to look him in the eye. 

Transforming the "Marxist movement" in North American where everyone must 
speak on the basis of polarization, movement as antagonism, creating a 
conceptual framework where the labor movement is understood as distinct from 
the trade union movement will constitute an era in our history. This battle 
will be won in the next decade, because no one can deny development of the 
productive forces - for long. 

Comrade Hari, we  - meaning "me" and the tiny group of indigenousness 
communist in North America, lost in the last period of the ideological 
struggle for class doctrine in North America and will probably lose in the 
one unfolding. To have never triumphed over the chauvinist gives one 
patience. The one after this one unfolding we cannot be denied. 

What we won in our defeat is the only coherent class policy for the workers 
in the face of identity movements. No one else knows the tactics of 
organizing industrial or non-industrial workers outside of legal bourgeois 
structures. We have sworn to live and die on the basis of all the 
quantitative and qualitative changes in the productive forces and will battle 
the legal Marxist into the next eternity.  

The "middle is the key" but it disintegrates on the basis of the objective 
development of the productive forces. We fight to produce the leap - which is 
inherently subjective, because "the fact of the matter" has already taken 
place. We shall never genuflect. We shall ruthlessly purge ourselves at every 
quantitative stage. What lies become us is freedom in the emergence of a "new 
class." We shall battle into the next eternity and the one following that. 

Here is the process. Once we battle our way into the leadership of the trade 
union movement we crashed into the barrier that revealed the boundaries of 
capital as it arose. Our forces divided and 30% rejected the bribed and began 
the process of sublating. We do not hate, we advance because some fall on and 
some fall off. We are not a military unit that can turn on the dime ("left 
face,"  "right face" - "turn", instead we flesh but the legal Marxist call us 
economist and dogmatist and ain't never got one vote) and change when 
transition is at hand. We transform ourselves, which is extremely painful. 
Man is the revolutionary ingredient in the productive forces because he is 

It follows from this that a revolutionary in American (as a strategic 
program) must assume a posture of man/women as abstraction on the basis of 
class or human labor in the abstract seeking fulfillment under conditions 
where barriers in the market make this impossible. Such a situation "is not 
fair." Further all modes of expression of value that prevent it circulation, 
reproduction and emergence, as useful products are not fair. 

This specific stage in the development of the productive forces, as opposed 
to the crisis generated on the last boundary of the industrial infrastructure 
is the new framework. The crisis generated on the basis of the last boundary 
of the industrial infrastructure fell within the category called the crisis 
of overproduction. This is not the case today. The crisis of overproduction 
can henceforth manifest itself on the basis of a new qualitative feature in 
the productive process that expresses a transition to a new mode of 
production. Our time has come. 99% of the battle is in the subjective arena, 
because no one can believe. Believing is seeing, not the other way around. 

Karl Marx grasped the vision in his gigantic capacity for totality. Our 
specific stage of development allows us to clarify the historic dream of 
mankind wherein need is slowly regulated to the trash bin of history. 

We can start unrolling the banner, "To each according to their need, from 
each according to their ability."  I never imagined in my wildest dream that 
I would live this long to see the new quality and here it has arisen. 

I grasp the logic of being a "die hard" and there is no surrender. Zuchov 
said "shoot me if I retreat" and walked out the room backwards. My job is to 
heat up the struggle for doctrine to that unbearable level that further 
crystallizes the synthesis. "We" already have the synthesis but it ain't no 
thang. "Turn the heat up . . man." 

Hari, when a person is reduced of all options in life, all they have is one 

Catch you on the rebound. 

Melvin P. 

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