Pop quiz
by Ian Murray
06 March 2002 18:04 UTC  < < < 
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who said it:

"Some may admit that the concentration of wealth is
indispensable, but may desire to distinguish between joint-stock
aggregations on the one side and individual fortunes on the
other. This distinction is a product of the current social
prejudice and is not valid. The predominance of the individual
and personal element in control is seen in the tendency of all
joint-stock enterprises to come under the control of a very few
persons. Every age is befooled by the notions which are in
fashion in it. Our age is befooled by 'democracy'; we hear
arguments about the industrial organization which are deductions
from democratic dogmas or which appeal to prejudice by using
analogies drawn from democracy to affect sentiment and
industrial relations. Industry may be republican; it can never
be democratic, so long as men differ in productive power and in
industrial virtue. In our time joint-stock companies, which are
in form republican, are drifting over into oligarchies or


CB: Republican like the Roman Republic was republican, and drifting out of the world 
backward like Rome, from republic to monarchy.


because one or a few get greater efficiency of
control and greater vigor of administration. They direct
enterprise in a way which produces more, or more economically.
This is the purpose for which the organization exists and
success in it outweighs everything else"

........no googling.............

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