In Breakthrough, Monkey Think, Computer Do

L.A. TIMES/March 14 2002

An experimental brain implant the size of an M&M has allowed a monkey to
control a computer cursor by thought alone, Brown University researchers
announced Wednesday.

It is the latest advance by scientists trying to perfect a link between mind
and machine in the hope that thousands of patients who are unable to move or
speak can resume communication with the world around them.

The development heralds a future when the paralyzed and infirm may send
e-mail, surf the Web and command other computer resources simply by thinking
about them. The new device, described in research published today in Nature,
uses a special mathematical formula to translate signals from a few motor
neurons on the surface of the monkey's brain via cable into movement on a
computer screen. There is no need for the extensive training previous
experimental techniques have required.

"We substituted thought control for hand control," said Brown neuroscientist
John Donoghue, the project's senior researcher.

Lead researcher Dr. Mijail D. Serruya and his colleagues at Brown tested the
device by having a monkey play a simple video game, in which the animal used
the cursor to chase a moving target on a computer screen. <ellipsis: see the
rest at:
s%2Dtechnology > 
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I'm worrying: suppose that they start operating on people, putting little
chips in their heads so that they can think to control their computers.
What's the neurological equivalent of an MS Windows Blue Screen? would one
need to have a new operation to upgrade to the newest version of Windows? 
Jim Devine

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