Justin Schwartz wrote:
>> I am told that Alfred Nobel's wife had an affair with a mathematician, so
>> that when the inventor of dynamite decided to endow his famous Prize, he
>> specifically stated that mathematicians shouldn't get rewarded.
> David Hilbert. So far as I know the story is true.

that would be a pity, for they couldnt find a greater
mathematician/scientist for the award!

anyway, according to snopes the story is false:


Claim:    The Nobel Foundation does not confer a prize for achievement
in mathematics because the man who established it, Alfred Nobel, was
upset that his wife was carrying on an affair with an eminent mathematician.

Status:   False.


In the century since the Nobel Foundation was established, many have
speculated on the reasons why Alfred Nobel did not provide for a prize
to be awarded for achievement in the field of mathematics. Surely an
eminent man of science such as Alfred Nobel could not simply have
forgotten about mathematics, so he must have had a good reason for
omitting it. With no obvious reason at hand, people invented one, and as
usual the invented tale had a bit of salaciousness to it: Alfred Nobel
deliberately avoided establishing a prize for mathematics out of
vindictiveness because a prominent Swedish mathematician was carrying on
an affair with his wife.

The "wife" theory is easily discounted, since Nobel was never married.
Some variations of the legend claim it was Nobel's fiancée or mistress
who was carrying on the affair, with her partner in infidelity
identified as the eminent Swedish mathematician Gosta Mittag-Leffler.
Nobel reportedly did have a mistress, a Viennese woman named Sophie
Hess, but there is no evidence she ever had anything to do with
Mittag-Leffler. Another version of the legend maintains that Nobel bore
animosity towards Mittag-Leffler for some other reason, and he therefore
avoided establishing a mathematics prize because Mittag-Leffler would
almost certainly have been one of its first recipients. However, this
version also has little factual evidence to support it, as:


<more at the URL above>


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