Chris writes:

> Therefore as far as world politics are concerned,
> I am probably essentially calling for a sort of new
> democracy, which involves progressive class
> alliances, ie a national democratic stage which ideally
> would not be dominated by the progressive bourgeoisie.
> Concrete world slogans now? How about Peace and Justice?
> (NOT excluding economic justice on a world scale of course.)

There were some responses to Mine's post, to which I accidentally
replied on this list, on the other list. Maybe it is better to
keep the discussion there rather than carrying it here. I don't
know. It is up to Michael, the benevolent non-dictator of this

Peace and Justice are fine slogans Chris, especially when justice
includes economic justice on a world scale. On the other hand,
asking economic justice is asking war, not peace. The screwers of
the world will not give it to us unless we fight for economic

Well, how do I know this? Say, I just ran a statistical model on
the entire human history and this forecast was the result of my
run. Further, economic justice is a blow to capitalists' ability
to accumulate capital. Do you think they can give up on that and
let go of their domination? Maybe in certain parts of the world,
like yours, where their domination may be exported to elsewhere,
although I have serious doubts about even that, but not in my
part of the world, as far as I can see.

We all want a peaceful (and democratic) world but we are not
going to get it unless we confront the terrible things that are
going on and fight, if necessary, again, if necessary, using

Lastly, it is important for us in this global fight to recognize
that this is not only a time-varying but also a spatially varying
system, and hence our solution should also be as such.


P.S: Could you please expand upon what you mean by "progressive
class alliances"?

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