I wrote: >>>> Software depreciates very quickly, so that it's more like a
raw  material
than like fixed capital.<<<<

>>> Depreciates quickly in terms of exchange value, not use value. Logic,
math and funky grammars are the raw material.<<<

>>it also depreciates as when a new version of the software is introduced.<<

Ian:> That's what I was saying. Did Outlook Express 6.0 *really* devalue
Outlook Express 5.0 if you still use the latter to get all your
communication via email done? What are those who have not upgraded missing
in their lives?<

the problem is that the "network economies" are a double-edged sword. MS
Word's popularity not only helped it become more popular -- since "everyone
else" was using it (especially within a corporation) -- but it also
destroyed WordPerfect.

Outlook Express 6.0 may not have "really" depreciated Outlook Express 5.0,
but MS likely thought up some way -- some bug or incompatibility -- to make
it harder for those with OE 5.0 to communicate with those using OE 6.0 than
it had been to communicate with those with OE 5.0. 

WordStar Lives!

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