< http://mondediplo.com/2002/04/08breach >

US breaks the laws of war

The United States has invented a new category of captive, not covered by the Geneva 
Convention: 'unlawful combatants'. And it has
made sure that nobody can question this unilateral designation by holding the 
prisoners taken in Afghanistan in the
no-nation's-territory of the Guantanamo base on Cuba. What, legally, is going on?

The legal position of the prisoners taken in Afghanistan by United States' troops is 
at the heart of a debate that has been
confused by US statements and by a degree of international compliance in the name of 
the fight against terrorism.

According to the US authorities, the detainees transferred to the military base at 
Guantanamo Bay on Cuba are "unlawful
combatants, who have no rights under the Geneva Convention". But the Geneva Convention 
of 27 July 1929 relative to the treatment
of prisoners of war, as amended in 1949, undoubtedly does apply to the Guantanamo 

The Convention, ratified by the US, applies "to all cases of declared war or of any 
other armed conflict which may arise between
two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not 
recognised by one of them." The term "war" has been
explicitly replaced by the phrase "armed conflict" and this more general expression 
clearly applies to the US action in

According to the preparatory work for the Geneva Convention, any dispute between 
states involving the use of armed forces is an
armed conflict within the meaning of the convention. The US has undoubtedly engaged in 
armed action against the de facto
authorities in charge in Afghanistan.

The convention applies irrespective of the duration of the conflict, the extent to 
which it results in bloodshed, and the size and
standing of the forces involved. It covers "members of the armed forces of a Party to 
the conflict as well as members of militias
or volunteer corps forming part of such armed forces" who are captured by one of the 
belligerents. This broad form of words was
chosen to avoid uncertainties arising from the diverse nature of combatants. The 
Taliban and volunteers in Afghanistan clearly
fall into the category of prisoners of war.

The label of "terrorist" attached by Washington to some detainees, notably members of 
al-Qaida, does not apply and the term
"unlawful combatant" is unknown in international law. The principle is that anyone 
captured bearing arms is presumed to be a
prisoner of war in the absence of evidence to the contrary. Only a competent tribunal 
can determine the status of the accused (1).

The transfer of prisoners to Guantanamo Bay compounds the legal confusion over the 
status of the detainees. According to the
Geneva Convention, "prisoners of war must at all times be humanely treated" and 
"likewise ... must at all times be protected,
particularly against acts of violence or intimidation and against insults and public 
curiosity" (Article 13).

Conditions of transfer are subject to the same rules: "The transfer of prisoners of 
war shall always be effected humanely and in
conditions not less favourable than those under which the forces of the Detaining 
Power are transferred" (Article 46).

It must be said that the treatment of the detainees does not meet those requirements. 
The refusal to apply the convention
inevitably means that the prisoners have no rights and this in turn gives the US 
authorities carte blanche to interrogate them in
whatever way they wish. Prisoners of war are only required to state their name, rank 
and number, and they must be released and
repatriated as soon as hostilities cease.

The place of detention was chosen not only because it was close to US territory but 
also, apparently, because the base in question
is not on American soil. According to Washington, the US constitution does not apply 
there. Also, the decision to opt for court
martial allows them to dispense with the rights of defence guaranteed under the 
American constitution.

Under the Geneva Convention, prisoners are entitled to a fair and regular trial and to 
means of defence, and they have the right
of appeal (2). But the military court envisaged by the US administration does not meet 
these conditions. In a move that suggests
confusion and embarrassment, the US State Department has stated that the accused may 
engage civil as well as military defence
counsel, that the hearings may be held in public if national security is not at issue, 
that a death sentence can be handed down
only by unanimous decision and, lastly, that an appeals board may be set up.

Amang all these uncertainties, one thing is clear: the US is in breach of 
international law and its obligations under the Geneva


* Lecturer in law at the University of Paris X, Nanterre

(1) Ironically, the US could have relied on the additional protocol of 1977, under 
which "mercenaries" are not entitled to
prisoner of war status, but it has never ratified it. According to the definition 
given in the protocol, a mercenary is "motivated
essentially by the desire for private gain" but that does not appear to apply in this 
case. The status of mercenary would
nevertheless entitle the detainees to the rights of ordinary defendants.

(2) States whose nationals are held at Guantanamo are entitled to give them diplomatic 
protection and to require the US to comply
with the rules of common law. Depending on the nature of the charges, which are not 
yet clear, the states in question may apply
for extradition so that the detainees can be tried in their own countries.

Translated by Barbara Wilson

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