Odds are that somewhere there is a WB or IMF study on the
inadequacy, pre-Chavez, of the Venez oil enterprise.  Pity
anyone who takes such concerns seriously, apart from political
context.  -- mbs

LP: . . . Actually, the conflict with the oil union arose over Chavez's 
determination to clean house at the state-owned company. He accused 
executives of owning luxurious chalets in the Venezuelan Andes and 
other excesses and has said the company's costs must be cut and its 
benefits spread to the 80 percent of Venezuelans who live in poverty. 

On April 7th the Washington Post reported that Chavez had installed a 
board of directors loyal to him and named a leftist economist, Gaston 
Parra, as president. Parra had criticized company policies for two 
decades. Company executives were outraged by the moves. Hundreds of 
managers demanded that the appointments be rescinded, arguing that 
Chavez's changes were based on politics rather than merit.

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