The spin doctors are hard at work. Not a word about Israeli terror against
the Palestinians or Sharon thumbing his nose at Bush when he demmands
withdrawal. Blame it all on Arafat and leave Powell as the fall and failed

CHeers, Ken Hanly

Bush fears a backlash at home
By David Wastell in Washington
April 15 2002

President George Bush's advisers have distanced the White House from Colin
Powell's difficult assignment in the Middle East as senior Republicans call
for the Secretary of State to abandon his attempt to broker a ceasefire.

White House officials repeatedly stressed that while Mr Bush had approved
the mission, he had granted "maximum flexibility" to Mr Powell to use his
own judgement on how to proceed once he was in the region.

Some Republicans are urging that Mr Powell be recalled, it has emerged.

Administration officials conceded that a suicide bombing in Jerusalem on
Friday and Yasser Arafat's delay in responding to it had made Mr Powell's
mission vastly more difficult, but insisted Mr Bush would not be deterred by
"daily setbacks" in foreign policy.

However, fears were growing that the attempt to mediate in the bloody
conflict was serving only to undermine Mr Bush's authority in the region. Mr
Powell, seen as a moderating influence in the Administration, has often
served as
a lightning rod for conservative dissatisfaction.

Republican legislators have been asked to use "restraint" in any criticism
of the Administration's approach while Mr Powell is in the Middle East.
However, many are deeply disappointed that Mr Bush still seems willing in
principle to allow contact with Mr Arafat. "This is rewarding terrorism,"
one congressional official said.

Mr Bush changed tack on the Middle East 11 days ago, calling on both sides
to disengage and announcing a peace mission by Mr Powell in a move that
appeared to be a victory for the State Department.

Earlier this year the Vice-President, Dick Cheney, and the Defence
Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, had teamed up to persuade Mr Bush to abandon
efforts to deal with Mr Arafat, whom the President has long regarded as

Mr Bush is sympathetic to those in his own party and on Capitol Hill who
have lobbied against talks with Mr Arafat, not least the Christian
evangelicals on the Republicans' conservative wing, whose emotional
attachment to Israel he shares.

He is also sensitive to another pressing concern: in elections this year the
Jewish vote could make the difference in close-fought contests for control
of both houses of Congress.

Although American Jews make up just 2.2per cent of the population, they are
disproportionately represented in big states, including New York, California
and Illinois.

Mr Bush is haunted in this, as in so much else, by family history: in 1991
his father, president George Bush, delayed a $US10billion loan guarantee to
Israel to protest at settlement on the West Bank. In the outcry that
followed, the then president described himself as "one lonely little guy"
who was "up against some powerful forces".

In the aftermath, his support among Jewish voters collapsed - from 35per
cent in 1988 to less than 12per cent in the 1992 election, which he lost to
Bill Clinton.

"You can be quite sure that the President has been reminded of this," one
Washington official said, referring to Mr Bush's political staff. "It may
not be pretty, but this is where international politics meet domestic

The Telegraph, London

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