Sabri Oncu wrote:
> Hey, I also hired a few science Ph.Ds from very respectable
> schools for boring programing jobs (Ravi would know what I mean
> if I say they were required to write FORTRAN programs) for about
> $50K.

i see what you mean, but fortran is a pleasure compared to what a lot of
software was written in "back in the days": cobol! ;-)

with the downturn in the economy strange things such as salary
bargaining have cropped up: i heard a story the other day from a friend,
who was earning in the six figures doing the trendy new stuff (SAP or
some such), that at a recent interview, towards the end, he was given an
option to beat the minimum salary that previous candidates had been
willing to take!

a recent issue of business week published various upbeat predictions
(including one from the dean of columbia's b-school) about how mba's are
going to be back up, in order to make up for the fact that b-school
graduates are doing poorly: the data mentioned in the article mentioned
as low as 60% recruitment rates for fresh top b-school graduates, and
the disappearance of 5 figure sign-on bonuses etc.

the best way to stay above the water and keep up with a yuppie
lifestyle, at this point, seems to be to either biotech or somehow
position oneself in the defense pipeline...


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