From: "War Times" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: New War Times and Palestine Leaflet
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Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 14:49:24 -0400 (EDT)

Dear All,

We hope this note finds you well.

Palestine is on the frontlines.  The outcome of that struggle is 
crucial not only to the Palestinians and Israelis, but to the future 
course of Bush's "war on terrorism."  On our Website you can download 
a two-page (or back-to-back) leaftlet on Palestine and distribute it 
either by email or in hard copy as widely as you wish.  It is located 
at <>.

That leaftlet consists of the Palestine coverage that appears in the 
new issue of War Times, which will be off the press on April 12.  If 
you wish to distribute 25 or more copies, please email us IMMEDIATELY 

The issue also covers: Bush's dangerous new nuclear policies, a 
powerful anti-war statement by Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, 
excerpts from an interview with a senior UN arms inspector in Iraq, 
an update on secret detentions and the case of Rabbih Haddad, an 
article about Youth Facing War in East Los Angeles, and a piece about 
anti-war activity in the labor movement.

We are also still in great need of funds to keep going. 
Tax-deductible donations can be made to War Times at our website,, or by writing a check to EBC/War Times and sending 
it to 1230 Market Street, PMB 409, San Francisco, CA 94102.

We thank you for all of your efforts for peace and justice, and for 
your ongoing support of War Times.


The War Times Staff

* Calendar of Events in Columbus: 
* Anti-War Activist Resources: <>
* Student International Forum: <>
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: <>

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