NACLA, I think, had a recent piece by Wilpert.

4/14/02 11:09:37 PM

Gregory Wilpert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
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Venezuela: Not Another Banana-Oil Republic 



Part Number:

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Dear Friends, here is my latest analysis of the recent events
Venezuela. Anyone who has a website or a print publication is
welcome to
reprint this article. Apologies to Spanish-speakers, as I have
not had a
chance to translate this.
In Solidarity,

Venezuela: Not a Banana-Oil Republic after All

By Gregory Wilpert

The Counter-Coup

It looks like Venezuela is not just another banana-oil republic
all. Many here feared that with the April 11 coup attempt against
President Hugo Chavez, Venezuela was being degraded to being
another country that is forced to bend to the powerful will of
United States. The successful counter-coup of April 14, though,
reinstated Chavez, proved that Venezuela is a tougher cookie
than the
coup planners thought.

The coup leaders against President Chavez made two fundamental
miscalculations. First, they started having delusions of grandeur,
believing that the support for their coup was so complete that
could simply ignore the other members of their coup coalition
and place
only their own in the new government. The labor union federation
which saw itself as one of the main actors of the opposition
movement to
President Chavez, and nearly all moderate opposition parties
excluded from the new "democratic unity" cabinet. The new transition
cabinet ended up including only the most conservative elements
Venezuelan society. They then proceeded to dissolve the legislature,
Supreme Court, the attorney general's office, the national electoral
commission, and the state governorships, among others. Next,
decreed that the 1999 constitution, which had been written by
constitutional assembly and ratified by vote, following the procedures
outlined in the pervious constitution, was to be suspended. The
transition president would thus rule by decree until next year,
when new
elections would be called. Generally, this type of regime fits
textbook definition of dictatorship.

This first miscalculation led to several generals' protest against
new regime, perhaps under pressure from the excluded sectors
of the
opposition, or perhaps out of a genuine sense of remorse, and
in their call for changes to the sweeping "democratic transition"
decree, lest they withdraw their support from the new government.
Transition President Pedro Carmona, the chair of Venezuela's
chamber of commerce, immediately agreed to reinstate the Assembly
and to
the rest of the generals' demands.

The second miscalculation was the belief that Chavez was hopelessly
unpopular in the population and among the military and that no
except Cuba and Colombia's guerilla, the FARC, would regret Chavez'
departure. Following the initial shock and demoralization which
the coup
caused among Chavez-supporters, this second miscalculation led
to major
upheavals and riots in Caracas' sprawling slums, which make up
half of the city. In practically all of the "barrios" of Caracas
spontaneous demonstrations and "cacerolazos" (pot-banging) broke
out on
April 13 and 14. The police immediately rushed-in to suppress
expressions of discontent and somewhere between 10 and 40 people
killed in these clashes with the police. Then, in the early afternoon,
purely by word-of-mouth and the use of cell phones (Venezuela
has one of
the highest per capita rates of cell phone use in the world),
demonstration in support of Chavez was called at the Miraflores
presidential palace. By 6 PM about 100,000 people had gathered
in the
streets surrounding the presidential palace. At approximately
the same
time, the paratrooper battalion, to which Chavez used to belong,
to remain loyal to Chavez and took over the presidential palace.
as the awareness of the extent of Chavez' support spread, major
battalions in the interior of Venezuela began siding with Chavez.

Eventually the support for the transition regime evaporated among
military, so that transition president Carmona resigned in the
name of
preventing bloodshed. As the boldness of Chavez-supporters grew,
began taking over several television stations, which had not
reported a
single word about the uprisings and the demonstrations. Finally,
late at
night, around midnight of April 14, it was announced that Chavez
was set
free and that he would take over as president again. The crowds
of Miraflores were ecstatic. No one believed that the coup could
would be reversed so rapidly. When Chavez appeared on national
TV around
4 AM, he too joked that he knew he would be back, but he never
it would happen so fast. He did not even have time to rest and
some poetry, as he had hoped to do.

So how could this be? How could such an impeccably planned and
executed coup fall apart in almost exactly 48 hours? Aside from
the two
miscalculations mentioned above, it appears that the military's
were not fully into the coup project. Once it became obvious
that the
coup was being hijacked by the extreme right and that Chavez
much more support than was imagined, large parts of the military
to reject the coup, which then had a snowball-effect of changing
military allegiances. Also, by announcing that one of the main
for the coup was to avoid bloodshed and by stating that the Venezuelan
military would never turn its weapons against its own people,
supporters became more courageous to go out and to protest against
coup without fear of reprisals.

Very important, though, was that the coup planners seem to have
their own propaganda: that Chavez was an extremely unpopular
What they seem to have forgotten is that Chavez was not a fluke,
phenomenon that appeared in Venezuela as a result of political
chaos, as
some analysts seem to believe. Rather, Chavez' movement has its
roots in
a long history of Venezuelan community and leftist organizing.
Also, it
seems quite likely that although many people were unhappy with
lack of rapid progress in implementing the reforms he promised,
he was
still the most popular politician in the country.

The media and the opposition movement tried to create the impression
that Chavez was completely isolated and that no one supported
him any
longer. They did this by organizing massive demonstrations, with
extensive help of the television stations, which regularly broadcast
reports of the anti-Chavez protests, but consistently ignored
pro-Chavez protests, which, by all fair accounts, tended to be
just as
large. The television channels claimed that they did not cover
pro-Chavez demonstrations because protestors threatened their
While this seems unlikely since the demonstrators usually unequivocally
want their demonstrations covered by the media, they could have
protection, if they had cared to.

The Media

Nearly the entire media is owned and operated by Venezuela's
There is only one neutral newspaper, which is not an explicitly
anti-Chavez newspaper and one state-run television station. During
coup, the state-run station was taken off the air completely
and all of
the other media kept repeating the coup organizer's lies without
question. These lies included the claim that Chavez had resigned
and had
dismissed his cabinet, that all of the demonstration's dead were
"martyrs of civil society" (i.e., of the opposition, since the
does not consider Chavez supporters as part of civil society),
and that
Chavez had ordered his supporters to shoot into the unarmed crowd
anti-Chavez demonstrators.

The media never addressed the repeated doubts that members of
cabinet raised about his resignation. Also, the media did not
the names of those who were shot, probably because this would
have shown
that most of the dead were pro-Chavez demonstrators. Finally,
the media
edited the video footage of the shootings in such a way as to
showing where the Chavez supporters were shooting-namely, as
eyewitnesses reported, at police and individuals who were shooting
while hidden in doorways. Also, they did not show the pro-Chavez
repeatedly pointing at the snipers who were firing at them from
rooftop of a nearby building.

These media distortions in the aftermath of the coup drove home
point just how powerful the media is at creating an alternate
Those Chavez supporters who were at the demonstration and witnessed
events realized more than ever that power needs a medium and
that those
who control the media have much more power than they let on.
This is why
the television stations became a key target in the hours leading
up to
Chavez' reinstatement. The take-over of four of the eight stations
essential to Chavez' comeback because it showed the rest of the
and the rest of Venezuela that Chavez still had strong support
among the
population and that if the people really wanted to, they could
fight for
what was right and win.

Quo Vadis Chavez?

An aspect of the rise of Chavez to power that is often forgotten
Venezuela is that as far as Venezuelan presidents are concerned,
has actually been among the least dictatorial. True, Chavez is
a deeply
flawed president with many shortcomings, among which one of the
important is his autocratic style. However, earlier presidencies,
as that of Carlos Andres Perez (1989-1993), the killing of demonstrators
were nearly a monthly occurrence. Also, the outright censorship
newspapers was quite common during the Perez presidency. None
of this
has happened during the Chavez presidency.

President Hugo Chavez is an individual who raises the passions
people, pro or con, unlike anyone else. It almost seems that
either love him or hate him. A more balanced picture of the president,
however, would show, first, that he is someone who deeply believes
working for social justice, for improving democracy, and believes
international solidarity. Also, he is a gifted and charismatic
which makes him a natural choice as a leader.

However, one has to recognize that he has some very serious
shortcomings. Among the most important is that while he truly
in participatory democracy, as is evidenced in his efforts to
democratize the Venezuelan constitution, his instincts are that
of an
autocrat. This has led to a serious neglect of his natural base,
is the progressive and grassroots civil society. Instead, he
has tried
to control this civil society by organizing "Bolivarian Circles"
are neighborhood groups that are to help organize communities
and at the
same time to defend the revolution. The opposition easily stigmatized
these circles, however, as being nothing other than a kind of
SS for
Chavez' political party. Another crucial flaw has been his relatively
poor personnel choices. Many of the ministries and agencies suffer

Finally and perhaps the most often mentioned flaw, is his tendency
inflammatory rhetoric. Accusations that Chavez divided Venezuelan
society with his constant talk about the rich and the poor are
ridiculous, since Venezuelan society was divided along these
lines long
before Chavez came to power. However, by trying to belittle his
opponents by calling them names, such as "escualidos" (squalids),
made it virtually impossible for real dialogue to take place
himself and his opponents.

The crucial question that Chavez-supporters and opponents alike
are now
asking is whether Chavez has grown through the experience of
this coup.
In his initial statement after being freed from his military
was, "I too have to reflect on many things. And I have done that
these hours. . I am here and I am prepared to rectify, wherever
I have
to rectify." Right now, however, it is too early to see if he
really is
going to change his ways, so that he becomes more productive
achieving the goals he has set for Venezuela.

While Chavez' many progressive achievements should not be forgotten,
neither should his failures be overlooked, most of which have
lessons for progressives everywhere. The first lesson is to keep
eyes on the prize. Chavez has become so bogged-down with small
day-to-day conflicts that many people are no longer sure if he
his original platform, which was to abolish corruption and to
Venezuelan society more egalitarian. While greater social equality
extremely difficult to achieve in a capitalist society, it is
fair to
say that Chavez' plans have not had enough time to bear fruit.
He has a
six-year social and economic development plan for 2001-2007,
of which
only a small fraction has so far been implemented. However, on
corruption front, he has fallen seriously behind.

The second lesson is that the neglect of one's social base, which
provides the cultural underpinnings for desired changes, will
provide an
opening for opponents to redefine the situation and to make policy
implementation nearly impossible. By not involving his natural
base, the
progressive and grassroots civil society, Chavez allowed the
conservative civil society, the conservative unions, the business
sector, the church, and the media to determine the discourse
as to what
the "Bolivarian revolution" was really all about.

The third lesson is that a good program alone is not good enough
if one
does not have the skillful means for implementing it. Chavez
has some
terrific plans, but through his incendiary rhetoric he manages
to draw
all attention away from his actual proposals and focuses attention
how he presents them or how he cuts his critics down to size.

Finally, while it is tempting to streamline policy-implementation
working only with individuals who will not criticize the program,
creates a dangerous ideological monoculture, which will not be
able to
resist the diverse challenges even the best plans eventually
have to
face. Chavez has consistently dismissed from his inner circle
those who
criticized him, making his leadership base, which used to be
broad, smaller and smaller. Such a narrow leadership base made
it much
easier for the opposition to challenge Chavez and to mount the

Whether Chavez and his opposition have learned these lessons
remains to
be seen. Venezuelan society is still deeply divided. One has
recognize that, at heart, this conflict is also a class conflict.
there certainly are many Chavez opponents who come from the lower
classes and numerous supporters from the upper classes, the division
between Chavez supporters who come from the lower light-skinned
and the opponents who come from the higher dark-skinned classes
be denied.  What Venezuela needs, if social peace is to be preserved,
a class compromise, where social peace is maintained at the expense
of a
more just distribution of Venezuela's immense wealth. However,
globalized world makes such a compromise increasingly difficult
achieve because free market competition militates against local
solutions to this increasingly global problem. But perhaps Venezuela
a special case because of its oil wealth, which might allow it
to be an
exception. Such an exception, though, will only be possible if
plays, such as the recent coup attempt, come to an end.

Gregory Wilpert lives in Caracas, is a former U.S. Fulbright
scholar in
Venezuela, and is currently doing independent research on the
of development. He can be reached at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gregory Wilpert, Ph.D.
Central University of Venezuela, Caracas
New School University, New York

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