On 2002/04/16 11:02 PM, "Charles Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Binary scheme of democracy and centralism
> by miychi
> 15 April 2002 21:34 UTC
> 1.Binary scheme of democracy and centralism
> ^^^^^^^^
> Charles: As Lenin was a dialectician, we can be sure that these opposites are
> to be treated in both their unity and opposition, as you do below. Basically
> it is a way of relating the masses and their leaders for struggle and for long
> term operation of the country.
> ^^^^^^^
> a correct reading of Lenin $B!G (Js work makes clear that Lenin never made a
> binary scheme of democracy and centralism. Lenin speaks about centralization
> of leadership by the party, decentralization of responsibility to the local
> sections, and obligation of regular reporting and publicizing within the
> party as condition to realize them, and centralization of secret function
> and specification other functions of movement. as for democracy-inner-party
> democracy, he regards it as a condition to realize centralization of
> leadership and decentralization of responsibility to local sections, in
> other words, as a historical concrete or a variable form.
> ^^^^^^^
> CB: Definitely, democratic centralism is to be treated in a historically
> concrete manner. Thus, the unity of democracy and centralism in the Venezuelan
> Bolivarian movement is unique.
> What do you think of the operation of the principle of democratic centralism
> in Venezuela as we have learned of the events there ?
> ^comrade Charles Brown^^

 I don't know details of Venezuela coup and counter-coup, and character and
evaluation of coup and counter-coup is still unclear. There are some
explanation that it is conspiracy of CIA or OAS ^or as Chavez says that it
is media conspiracy ,not military. But it is clear that non-party mass
demonstration facilitated counter-coup.
In 1917, anti-war and anti-hunger mass demonstration happened in August,
when Lenin did not consider or decide uprising. When mass demonstration
mount to reach its top,and begin to build Soviet Lenin returned to Russia
and decide uprising finally. And military part of party(lead by Trotsky)
occupied Winter Palace, and information sector. Most important is that in
August demonstration, mass claimed revolution and built Soviet. Historically
speaking non-party mass movement often go
ahead of party action or program. This is historical truth.^
Probably similar situation happened in Venezuela.
In sum, party and mass movement dialectically intensify each other and in
decisive moment small selected member of party and non-party citizen attack
central part of power.^^^^
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