
Taiwan plans to restrict high-tech engineers from working in China

Taipei, Taiwan, April 18

Taiwanese engineers who design semiconductors, missiles, jet fighters and
submarines may be barred from working in rival China, the government said on
Thursday. The restrictions are part of a comprehensive plan to prevent China
from gaining access to technologies developed in Taiwan, the National
Science Council said in a statement.
Taiwan has been particularly concerned about losing engineers from its
leading semiconductor industry, a sector that China hopes to take over.
Under the plan drafted by the science council, engineers involved in
computer chip design or in lithography _ a key process in the development of
silicon wafer technogies - could be barred from working in China, the
statement said.
People involved in the development of anesthetics might also be barred, it
The Council will send the plan to the Cabinet next week for approval, the
statement said.
Taiwanese have poured an estimated U.S. dlrs 60 billion of investment in
China in the past decade. Taiwan fears the investment rush could weaken the
local economy while giving a boost to its rival's economy.
Bowing to business pressure, Taiwan eased a ban last month to allow
Taiwanese chipmakers to make less advanced silicon wafers in China.
However, the firms must first invest in making the cutting-edge 12-inch
wafers in Taiwan before they will be allowed to move their older equipment
to make less advanced chips in China.

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