Greens Promote German Militarism
by Max B. Sawicky
25 April 2002 00:40 UTC  

Can anybody explain this, starting with, is it true?



CB: Jim Heartfield told us so :>)

World Socialist Web Site, 4/24
Germany's Green Party demands a powerful professional army
In the course of the current debate in Germany over the future of the
country's conscript army, the Green Party has emerged as the most vehement
proponent of the re-emergence of German militarism and advocate of a
professional army.  In a thesis paper published in the Frankfurter
Rundschau, Winfried Nachtwei, who represents the Greens in the Defence
Committee of the German parliament, declared that for its international
military interventions (in the jargon of the Greens: "multilateral
crisis-resolution") the German army requires "highly professional" and
"rapidly deployable forces". Current requirements can no longer be satisfied
by a conscript army, they argue.


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