please forward widely!

architect of the "War on Terrorism," is coming out of hiding to speak at
MSU's graduation this Friday.


Friday May 3
NW corner of Kalamazoo & Harrison, East Lansing(graduation ceremonies begin at 1 pm at adjacent Breslin Student Events Center)

Bring placards with simple slogans.
Please tell everyone you know who might be interested. We've had to mobilize this quickly, and we want to make a good showing!

Anyone interested in leafleting earlier in the day as graduates and their
families enter Breslin should meet in front of Breslin at 10 am.

Carpool from Ann Arbor: Meet at 10:30 am from parking lot of the Plymouth
Rd. Mall think Kroger's), on the Blockbuster, Y&S, and Kinko's side. We'll have maps
there. (For an MSU map see


Why are we protesting Cheney? Let us count the reasons.

Regarding the War on Terrorism, Cheney stated (10/21/01, Wash. Post) "It is
different than the Gulf War was, in the sense that it may never end. At
least not in our lifetime."

* He's a warmonger and war-profiteer. Cheney spearheaded the 2001 bombing of Afghanistan, the 1991 war in Iraq, and the 1989 invasion of Panama.

* As a congressman from Wyoming, he voted against the Equal Rights
Amendment, against funding for Head Start, and against a House resolution calling for
South Africa to release Nelson Mandela from prison.

* He's a hypocrite. In between Bush regimes, Cheney was CEO of Halliburton
Industries, an oil company (the world's largest oil-drilling, engineering,and
construction services provider) that was doing business with Iraq.

* He had extensive ties to Enron: Cheney accepted Enron's campaign
contributions,adopted Enron-friendly energy policies, helped Enron commit massive fraud,
and refused to cooperate with the congressional investigation of Enron.

Sponsoring organizations: Peace Education Center of Greater Lansing,
AmericanFriends Service Committee, Ann Arbor Ad Hoc Committee for Peace.

Note: please send an email if your group would like to endorse.

Phillis Engelbert

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