Louis writes:

> Ultimately, there will be a battle between
> socialists and fascists  just as there was
> in the past. For success in such a battle,
> we need to build the ranks of the left while
> sharpening its understanding of class principles.
> The same sort of attempts to dull this
> understanding that took place during the 1920s
> and 30s are obviously at work today.


Why should French socialists not work on building the ranks of
the left while sharpening its understanding of class principles
and vote for Chirac at the same time to ensure that Le Pen is
stopped this time? If they vote Chirac on May 5 does it mean that
they support Chirac? Not that if they abstain they will make much
difference but why take chances?

By the way, here are the votes for the Nazis, SPD (Social
Democrats) and KPD(Communists) for the below elections:

1930 September, Nazi (18.9%), SPD (24.5%), KPD(13.1%)
1932 July, Nazi (37.3%), SPD (21.6%), KPD(14.3%)
1932 November, Nazi (33.1%), SPD(20.4%), KPD(16.9%)

I got these numbers from "Socialism for a Sceptical Age", Ralph
Miliband, 1994. Let us forget about everything else and just look
at these numbers. Except in July 1932, Communists and Social
Democrats put together were beating the Nazis.

Now who is guilty? Social Democrats or Communists or both or all
the rest other than the Nazis? Again, I am just talking about the

The conditions in France and the rest of the world are different
today but how do we know what the future will bring us?


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