----- Original Message -----
From: "michael perelman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 7:53 PM
Subject: [PEN-L:26165] Re: TPA and the new protectionism

> So, the democrats will give it to Georgie.  One question.  May Nathan
knows.  Does the Kerry ammendment
> mean that anybody (including US corps) can push such suits or that nobody
can?  If the former, it is a
> step backward.
> --

It simply shifts the burden of proof:

"Under the Kerry Amendment, a foreign investor would be required to
demonstrate that the policy in question was enacted primarily with
discriminatory intent against foreign investors or investments....The Kerry
Amendment is based on U.S. Supreme Court rulings on expropriation in that it
would guarantee that future trade agreements improve upon the NAFTA model
and restrict such investment protection actions to only those cases where
government action causes a physical invasion of property or the denial of
all economic or productive use of that property."


It doesn't knock out the right of corps. to sue National and sub-National

I spoke to a fellow trade 'activist' who works very closely with one of our
state legislators. The legislator relayed to my friend that her
conversations with Maria Cantwell's legislative aides were rebuffed with
"we're beyond the Constitution now."


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