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A mixed bag

The Second Patent Amendment Bill grants protection to indigenous
knowledge and disallows patenting of cells and genes. But on the
negative side, it will allow micro-organisms such as bacteria, virus and
fungus to be patented, thus breaking down the moral barrier against
patenting life forms.


THE Second Patent Amendment Bill has been passed by the Rajya Sabha (and
will almost certainly clear the Lok Sabha in a few days). With that, one
more piece of World Trade Oraganisation (WTO)-derived legislation will
be put in place. The others have been the Plant Variety Protection and
Farmers' Rights Act, 2001, and the Act on Geographical Indications,
1999. The latter is intended to provide protection for special products
such as basmati rice and Darjeeling tea. The current Patent Bill was
preceded by the First Patent Amendment Act, 2000, which was brought in
to grant exclusive marketing rights (EMR) to drugs that had received a
patent in any WTO member-country. India has committed itself to
introducing product patents in the drug and agro-chemical sector, but
only by 2005. The latest Patent Bill does not grant product patents. For
the time being, the process patent regime will apply only in India. The
Bill has important provisions pertaining to, apart from the chemical
sector, genetic resources and indigenous knowledge.

First, the positive features of the Bill. Discoveries will not be
patentable under the Indian law. In order to qualify for a patent, an
invention will have to be demonstrated. The blurring of the distinction
between discoveries and inventions in many legal systems, most notably
that of the United States, has led to patents being granted on products
of nature rather than inventions of the human mind. Plants and animals
and species of plants and animals have been kept out of the purview of
patents, so have plant varieties and seeds. New varieties of crops and
their seeds are thus outside the patent system. Although the Indian law
permits process patents, this will not apply to the crucial sector of
food. Methods and processes of agriculture and horticulture cannot be
patented, nor can any other biological processes.

Significantly, the provisions of the Bill disallow the patenting of
cells, cell-lines and cell organelles such as mitochondria and genes.
This is a very important and positive step and has to be seen in the
context of the demand of the biotechnology industry to allow the
patenting of cells and genes. The corporate sector has been putting
pressure on countries to introduce cell and gene patents in their
national legislation. The draft Indian law does not allow the patenting
of plant or animal, and by inference, human genes.

THE life science industry wants patents on genes that it uses to make
transgenic crop varieties, and after the human genome project identified
the over 30,000 human genes, there has been a scramble to claim patents
on them. The reason is the lucrative markets that would open up for the
diagnosis and treatment of disease once the functions of various genes
have been identified. If gene patents were to be allowed, the great
promise of gene therapy for inherited disorders would be transferred
solely to the hands of large corporations. At the ethical level,
patenting human genes would mean granting a monopoly to the patent
holder, on a common human heritage. Several groups and governments have
seriously opposed this move. The Indian Bill has taken a correct stand
and done well to disallow gene patents.

In addition to cells and genes, the Bill also blocks the patenting of
interesting cell parts such as mitochondria, which are emerging as
important research tools in genetic engineering and the transfer of
genes. Mitochondria are little bodies inside cells that also contain
genetic material. The kind of patents that were granted on the cell
lines derived from the tumours of patients who had been operated in
hospitals in the U.S., will not be possible under the Indian law. The
provisions of the draft Act aim to keep important biological materials
in the public domain so that all scientists and researchers can access
them. This will enable research to serve public goals, rather than
merely create products that can be accessed only by the rich.

Another strong feature of the Patent Bill is the protection it grants to
indigenous (traditional) knowledge and to products derived from it. The
Indian systems use medicines and treatments developed over generations
by local communities. Plant-based products have become greatly sought
after in this herbal era when the global sale of herbal products is
slated to touch $5 trillion by the year 2020. Rampant biopiracy
resulting in the patenting of turmeric- and neem-based products and
countless other products based on the indigenous knowledge of
communities across the world is cause for great concern to the
developing countries whose knowledge is being pirated.

The present Bill addresses this problem in the domestic context.
Specifically, it says that any invention which constitutes traditional
knowledge or derives from traditional knowledge, or duplicates such
knowledge, or joins up pieces of such knowledge, cannot be patented.
This clause would prevent patents of the kind taken by Bloomberg in the
U.S. on Phyllanthus amara, commonly called bhoomi amla. According to
indigenous knowledge, bhoomi amla cures liver disorders, and it is used
to treat everything from jaundice to sluggish livers. Bloomberg's U.S.
patent is for a product based on Phyllanthus amara that cures hepatitis
B and C. This kind of clear derivation and duplication of traditional
knowledge presented as an invention would not be acceptable under the
new Indian law.

The first step towards protecting indigenous knowledge and the healing
properties of medicinal plants was taken in the first Patent Amendment
Act, which granted EMRs. According to that Act, exclusive rights cannot
be claimed on drugs that belong to the Indian systems of medicine. This
protection for the knowledge of communities is a positive step and is
similar to protection offered by legislation in other Asian nations such
as Thailand and the Philippines.

The most negative feature of the patent law from the point of view of
biological/ genetic resources is the provision that will allow
micro-organisms such as bacteria, virus and fungus to be patented. This
breaks down the moral barrier that has so far existed against the
patenting of life forms. We will have to be careful that this precedence
does not open the doors to the patenting of other, higher life forms
such as plants and animals eventually. Civil society needs to be
vigilant and the campaign against patents on life must continue with
vigour. However, to mitigate the damage, Gene Campaign has submitted a
list of definitions to be used for the purpose of the Act of what can be
called a micro-organism and what cannot, as also what can and what
cannot constitute an invention, plus special exemptions for sensitive
sectors such as the environment, defence and food. It is hoped that it
would become possible to include these qualifications at the rule-making
stage so that the scope and impact of micro-organism patents is
restricted to the maximum extent.

The Bill makes distinct concessions to the biotechnology sector. Process
patents will be allowed on microbiological, biochemical and
biotechnological processes. In this way, methods of genetic engineering,
processes in the pharmaceutical industry using micro-organisms and
related processes will become patentable. There is a curious detail in
this section on what constitutes a patentable process that reflects the
special adjustments made for the biotechnology sector. Processes and
methods that would make plants resistant to disease and would increase
their value or the value of their products, will be patentable. This
provision appears to be tailor-made for the Bt cotton situation and
other Bt and Bt-like approaches to introduce resistance to disease.

One thing has become evident from the post-WTO pieces of legislation
that are coming in. There is a greater understanding among policy-makers
of the central importance of genetic resources and the crucial need to
have control over them to ensure the food and livelihood security of the
Indian people. Civil society campaigns for strong farmers' rights over
seeds have borne fruit and now there is a block on cell and gene patents
and protection of indigenous knowledge. This trend will help at least to
undo the worst damage inflicted by the unthinking or compromised
position that India took in the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement
on Tariffs and Trade.

Dr. Suman Sahai is convener of the Gene Campaign based in New Delhi.

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