Medical Reform Group
P.O. Box 40074, 280 Viewmount Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M6B 4K4 Canada
May 28, 2002
 In a shattering finding reported today in the Canadian Medical
Association Journal, top health researchers from McMaster university
report that, in comparison to private not-for-profit hospitals, private
for-profit hospitals lead to an increased number of deaths. "The authors
took extraordinary care to avoid bias," said MRG spokesperson Dr. Ahmed
Bayoumi, himself a health researcher.  "The studies span a 15 year
period, look at death rates in over 38 million patients in 26,000
hospitals, and the findings are consistent.  The results are clear and
unequivocal: if Canada moves to private for-profit provision of care,
death rates will increase."
While most Canadians think of our hospitals as public, they are actually
private not-for-profit institutions owned by communities, religious
institutions, regional health authorities, or their boards of directors.
Thus, the study results are directly applicable to the Canadian scene.
Another MRG spokesperson, Dr. Rosana Pellizzari, provided an explanation
for the results."Typically, investors expect a 10-15% return on their
investment.  Private for-profit hospitals must pay taxes, while private
not-for-profit hospital do not.  Finally, not-for-profit hospitals can
accept tax-free donations, while for-profit hospitals cannot.  All this
money must be extracted from patient care.  This means less skilled
personnel, including doctors, nurses and pharmacists.  Care suffers, and
death rates increase.  Federal and provincial governments must act now
to stop the drift toward deadly, for-profit care." "The results suggest
that if Canada switched from private not-for-profit hospitals to private
for-profit hospitals, the result would be over 2,000 additional deaths
each year," Dr. Bayoumi concluded.  "This is in the range of the number
of Canadians who die each from colon cancer, motor vehicle accidents,
and suicide.  Switching to for-profit hospital care would have the
impact of creating a new cancer.  It represents reckless driving for
Canadian health care, or even national suicide."

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