Eric Nilsson wrote:

>For the NIPA aware.....
>If you want to come up with a crude estimate for the total surplus generated
>by capitalist firms within the US economy, is there anything particularly
>wrong with simply summing up various data taken from the National Income
>data in NIPA (table 1.14)?
>To wit:
>Proprietors’ income with inventory valuation and capital consumption
>adjustments (line 9)
>+ Corporate profits income with inventory valuation and capital consumption
>adjustments (line 20)
>+ Net interest (line 29)
>And then rounding down a bit (to the closest trillion) to remove profit
>(surplus) earned by non-capitalist firms (with no employees). I go
>back-and-forth on the interpretation of "net interest" and whether it should
>be included.
>(Yes I'm aware of Shaikh's work on national accounting but his main
>issues--e.g., on productive vs. unproductive labor, net versus gross output,
>etc--are not necessarily relevant to a simple calculation of the surplus).

Conceptually and practically, it's difficult to separate the labor 
income from capital income components of proprietors' income. I think 
other people have done work on this, but I don't know who. Perhaps 
the OECD and CBO.


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