On Tue, 11 Jun 2002, F G wrote:

> A brief search at www.firstgov.gov with "NAFTA Poland" seemed to turn up
> nothing.  Probably if the speech is old enough it wouldn't be archived
> anyway (I'm not pretending to be thorough here).

I'm not quite sure, whether it was speech, or another form of document.

> You might want to check www.doc.gov (U.S dept. of commerce) and
> http://www.doc.gov/International_Trade/ or the library of congress at
> www.loc.gov but otherwise I have no ideas.

Thanks, I'll take a look.

> BTW I'd be interested in hearing
> more about Poland's political economy.  I heard that the left parties wish
> to return to industrial policy and hence abandon neoliberalism.

  S.c. "neoliberalism" is gone. The most liberal regulations were made -
surprisingly - by communists, when they left government (for a while) in
1989. Since that time the economic freedom, which visited our country very
shortly (1989-92), is still more and more restricted.

  In previous communists times (before 1989) the people were arguing for
bureaucracy. Can you imagine, that today we have in our country almost 5x
(yes - FIVE TIMES) more clerks (mainly at tax offices)? It's tied to our
"direction" - to the EU... unfortunately. Can you imagine, that the total
amount of the taxes in our country is more than two times higher, than in
Poland 1939-45, under nazi occupation - at the time, when the german
government was draining our country for their war-related needs? I'm
afraid, you can't believe it - but (if you're or someone are interested),
I can show it on the numbers.

  We've just one truly right party in our country - it's Unia Polityki
Realnej (Union of Real Politics - http://www.upr.org.pl/). All the other
parties, which are declaring themselves as "right", you can just take as
"centre-oriented" (something like american Democrats) or "Christian
Democrats"-like (usually with socialist economic programm).

  And today's government are the people well-known from the "good"-old
times... just the communists, which are now "socialdemocrats". Names,
which are easy to recognize from the past. The history has made a circle.

                                pozdrawiam / regards

                                                Zbigniew Baniewski

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