June 21, 2002

G Parthasarathy

The politics of oil

As the Bush administration proceeds with its war against terrorism in
Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere, it has found that apart from the ever
reliable Tony Blair, it also has a valuable friend and ally in Russian
President Vladimir Putin.

Putin spared no effort to reinforce American moves to broker peace between
India and Pakistan during the Almaty summit, leading to questions about why
he was adopting such a high profile despite knowing India's aversion to
permitting the Russians any Tashkent-style mediatory role.
Putin is a supreme realist who knows that in today's world he has to change
his country's past adversarial relationship with the United States into a
partnership. And in forging this partnership, he knows that apart from
yielding on the American Missile Defence Programme and entering into a
working relationship with a NATO that is determined to expand eastwards, he
will have to play ball with the Americans if his country is to have a
significant say in exploiting the immense gas resources of Central Asia.
The long-standing association of members of the Bush administration with
international oil and gas cartels is well known. The Bush family acquired
its wealth through its Texas links with the oil industry, including the
omnipresent UNOCAL. George Bush, Senior, has links with the Carlysle Group
specialising in global investments in oil and natural gas. Dick Cheney
worked for the giant oil conglomerate Haliburton before he became
vice-president. Haliburton has major interests in the construction of oil
and gas pipelines. Condoleezza Rice worked for the oil giant Chevron before
she moved to Washington as National Security Adviser. Zalmay Khalizad, who
is now the American special envoy to Afghanistan, was earlier chief
consultant for UNOCAL.
Khalizad has been accused of applying undue influence to secure the election
of Hamid Karzai as president in Afghanistan's Loya Jirga. This should come
as no surprise. Karzai himself was a UNOCAL employee not so long ago.
How does Tony Blair fit in? Blair himself was a British Petroleum executive
before he took to politics!!
But it is not the Bush administration alone that has been influenced by the
politics of oil and gas. While swearing by its commitment to human rights,
the Clinton administration was also significantly influenced in the conduct
of its policies towards the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan by UNOCAL
and its promises of access to the gas resources of Central Asia.
The central focus of attention for the Bush administration today is to
destroy Al Qaeda and its allies in bin Laden's 'International Islamic Front
for Jihad against the Jews and Crusaders'. But at the same time there are
those in Washington, Moscow and elsewhere who are now working to convert the
challenges of today into the economic and business opportunities of
The oil and gas resources of Central Asia and the Caucasus far exceed those
of Saudi Arabia. But these resources can be fully exploited and marketed
only after the maritime boundaries of the Caspian Sea are delineated and
secure routes determined for pipelines from the landlocked Central Asian and
Caucasian countries.
Putin's Russia has a vital interest in this endeavour. The cash-strapped
Russian economy depends heavily on the stability of world gas prices. Putin
himself has spoken about a "Gas OPEC" to determine and fix international gas
prices. And Russia has not hesitated to close its pipelines when Central
Asian leaders like Turkmenistan's President Saparmurat Niyazov have tried to
challenge its interests.
Russia has seen its traditional markets for oil and natural gas in Georgia,
Kazakhstan and Armenia being taken over by American competitors over the
past decade. Putin will now skilfully use his relationship with Bush to
modernise the Russian energy giant Gazprom -- an enterprise with an annual
turnover of $20 billion. The stage is being set for Gazprom to join American
giants to exploit the gas resources of Central Asia.
The Taliban and Al Qaeda had barely been ousted from the caves of Tora Bora
in Afghanistan when it was announced that General Musharraf, Hamid Karzai
and President Niyazov would meet to discuss the development of a gas
pipeline from Turkmenistan via Afghanistan to the port of Gwadar, now being
built with Chinese assistance on the Baluchistan coast. The three leaders
agreed during their recent meeting in Islamabad to have a fresh feasibility
study commissioned for the proposed project.
Not surprisingly, top executives from Russia's Gazprom have visited
Islamabad in recent days to have a finger in the rather lucrative pie of
Central Asian gas. Turkmenistan has after all proven resources of 101
trillion cubic feet of gas!! General Musharraf's visit to Moscow is,
therefore, not primarily because of any unrealistic ambition of Putin to be
mediator on Kashmir, but because he wants to miss no opportunity to ensure
Russian participation in the exploitation of the vast resources of Central
Asian oil and gas.
With his warm personal relationship with Bush, Putin will not be averse to
striking partnership deals with the likes of UNOCAL on such projects.
Gazprom today has a collaborative relationship with Florida's Itera. There
is no reason why it cannot have tie-ups with other American partners.
When the project for a pipeline to carry Central Asian gas from Turkmenistan
to Pakistan via Afghanistan was first mooted by UNOCAL, the pipeline was to
have been up to Multan in central Pakistan. It has now been revealed that
negotiations for this project with the Taliban continued till July 2001,
even after the Bush administration assumed office.
The main reason the negotiations failed was the Taliban's refusal to strike
a deal on handing over Osama bin Laden. Those involved in these negotiations
are said to have included Mullah Omar's personal adviser Mullah Sayed
Rahmatullah, Leila Helms, niece of former CIA director Richard Helms, former
Russian foreign minister Kozyrev, former ambassadors to Pakistan Robert
Oakley and Tom Simons, and the Clinton administration's Karl Inderfurth.
Acting as intermediary and midwife was the ubiquitous Niaz Naik of Pakistan.
Determined to abort these moves, Osama bin Laden struck at the World Trade
Centre and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.
Thus, the moves to use the Afghan route for exploiting the gas resources of
Turkmenistan have powerful backers, who have a natural interest in restoring
peace and stability and ensuring that there are "co-operative" regimes in
Afghanistan and Pakistan.
But it needs to be remembered that when UNOCAL initially studied the project
it was found to be viable only if the gas was to be supplied to the energy
hungry Indian market. Even if Pakistan tries to build LNG terminals in
Gwadar, the fact that huge transportation costs would make supplies to
countries like Japan prohibitively expensive cannot be ignored.
New Delhi should take note of these developments. It will have to devise
strategies that enable it to strike hard bargains for meeting its energy
needs. It should see that Iran is not excluded from the emerging strategic
scenario. The Americans and others need to know that India has multiple
options to meet its energy needs.
But in formulating these policies it must make it clear that its markets
will be available only when Pakistan renounces policies of compulsive
hostility and agrees to the development of wide-ranging, good neighborly
ties based on healthy economic interdependence. Quite obviously, for all
this to happen, the Pakistani military establishment will have to
irrevocably discard its present jihadi mindset. Time alone will tell whether
this will happen.

G Parthasarathy

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