The virtual reality G8 summit

Our leaders indulge in denial as WorldCom's timebomb explodes

Larry Elliott
Thursday June 27, 2002
The Guardian

T he timing was perfect. As the jets bringing the leaders of the
G8 to their annual powwow were landing in Calgary, news was
breaking that WorldCom was on the edge of bankruptcy following the
discovery of the biggest accounting fraud in history.

WorldCom is no one-off. A corporate cancer is spreading through
America, bringing share prices and the dollar tumbling as
investors take a long, hard look at the balance sheets of the
one-time darlings of Wall Street. What they are uncovering is a
combination of accounting fiddles, deceit and outright criminality
designed to inflate short-term share prices by vastly over-stating
profits, and maximise the value of stock options granted to
executives. American capitalism, exported ruthlessly in the 1990s
as the only way to do business, is sick. But if the US totters,
the linkages of the global economy are now such that the rest of
the world could come down with it. The financial instability that
has marked the past decade has worked its way to the core of the
capitalist system.

A chance, you might think, for the G8 - the rich man's club (plus
Russia) to show leadership. And one that they will almost
certainly spurn. Stuck away in their Rocky Mountain retreat, the
G8 will have plenty to say about terrorism, the failings of Arafat
and the need for Africa to pull its socks up, but little to say
about the defects in their own economies. This is the virtual
reality summit.

Seasoned G8 watchers know what to expect. On past form the summit
will conclude that "economic prospects remain good" (Birmingham
1998); "progress has been made in addressing the crisis and laying
the foundations for recovery" (Cologne 1999);"the world economy
will grow strongly" (Okinawa 2000); "the most effective poverty
reduction strategy is to maintain a strong, dynamic, open and
growing economy" (Genoa).

N one of this was remotely true. Within two months of the
Birmingham summit, the Russians had defaulted on their debt, the
hedge fund Long Term Capital Management had gone belly up, and
Bill Clinton said that the global economy faced its biggest threat
since the Great Depression. In the six months following Cologne,
foundations were laid for a colossal stock market bubble, the full
ramifications of which are only now becoming evident at Enron and
WorldCom. The world economy did not grow strongly in the year
after Okinawa; it slid towards the first synchronised recession in
the big three economies of the US, Japan and Germany in a quarter
of a century. And whatever happened to that strong, open and
growing economy we were promised amid the tear gas cannisters of
Genoa? Anyone for some steel tariffs?

Originally, when Giscard d'Estaing came up with the idea for this
annual shindig, it was a world economic summit. But the economic
bit was downgraded years ago, and now that finance ministers are
no longer invited it has all but disappeared. These days, the
emphasis is on fighting terrorism, curbing the trade in drugs (but
not arms) and sorting out the developing world.

These are important issues, fully deserving of attention. But you
would be right if you thought the G8 was missing something. This
is a more accurate account of the current state of affairs: The
market reaction to the biggest fraud in history at WorldCom is a
wake-up call. The global economy is stumbling from crisis to
crisis. Our biggest member, the US, foists painful policies on
indebted developing nations but is the world's biggest debtor
itself. Correcting the record trade deficit will hurt, and it will
hurt not only America but Europe, Japan and the rest of Asia who
have become far too economically dependent on feeding the US's
consumption habit. We need to think very hard about whether
deregulating financial mar kets with so much gusto in the 1970s
and 1980s was such a good idea. It has helped create the
conditions for the stock market bubble and the distortion of
corporate values at home, and put immature economies at risk
abroad. We are making a mistake in forcing the people of Argentina
to adopt austerity policies that we would never foist on our own
people. It is true that Argentina has been woefully mismanaged,
but have we really got much room to talk ourselves?

Unless we address these steps, there is not much hope that things
will be better in a year's time. Each short-term recovery seems to
be a bit weaker and a bit shorter than the last. Argentina's
contagion is spreading to Brazil; the export-led recovery in Japan
and Europe will not last if the US sags. We need intervention to
manage currency instability, reforms of corporate governance, the
restoration of the division between consumer and investment
banking. When we've put our house in order, then and only then
should we start dispensing advice to the rest of the world.

Don't expect any of that to come out of Kananaskis. Repeat after
me: the fundamentals of the global economy are sound. They are

Larry Elliott is the Guardian's economics editor

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