From Prudent

Mid-Week Analysis, by Chad Hudson


June 26, 2002

After the fall of Enron, we had little doubt it would be an isolated
incident or "company specific."  The great bull market changed the rules of
the games for companies played by.  We have discussed before how the most
aggressive companies were able to raise the most money and the most
aggressive mangers were the ones that were promoted.  Aggressive management
combined with accommodative credit markets led to one of, if not the
biggest, investment bubbles of all time.     Influenced by Wall Street's
desire for investment banking fees, companies raised capital for projects
that were not economically viable.  Accounting conventions were stretched,
re-written, and ignored, to make the results more investor friendly.  As
long as stock prices kept rising, there were no worries.   Now we are seeing
the consequences of it all.  What a fiasco!

With Arthur Andersen unraveling due to the fraud at Enron, auditors will now
pay more attention to their role and be more diligent in conducing audits.
Investors have started voting with their feet as well.  Any hint at
accounting improprieties causes stocks to fall precipitately.  Increased
scrutiny from auditors and investors should clean up corporate boardrooms,
but it will take a while and it will not be a pleasant experience.  A couple
roaches have been found after the lights were turned on, but we have not
started pulling off the baseboards.  The public is beginning to ask what
should happen to these "white-collar" criminals.  Unfortunately, the answer
is does not include jail time, or if it does, they will have a better golf
handicap after they leave.  I have been pondering.  San Francisco's economy
is hurting after the dot-com bubble.  I think we have an opportunity to
solve two problems.  We can help spur San Francisco's tourism industry by
sending all the corporate con-men to Alcatraz, while leaving it open to the
public.  After strolling by Al Capone's cell visitors could rattle the cage
of their favorite corporate scoundrel.  To help raise revenue visitors could
rent paintball guns and take target practice while the cronies run around
during recreation time.  Just a little light humor to ease the mood during
these chaotic times.

While hopefully fraudulent activity is the exception, a lot of gray areas
have been trampled on.  One of the most popular ruses was convincing
investors that companies should be valued based on EBITDA (earnings before
interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization).  The reasoning for using
EBITDA is that after it finished capitalizing its investments and servicing
its debt, earnings would be similar to EBITDA.  Also, investors have been
led to believe that EBITDA is basically the same as cash flow.  That is the
theory.  But, in theory Myron Scholes would still be earning excess returns
at Long Term Capital Management.

The problem with using EBITDA as the primary valuation yardstick is it
assumes that at some point the I, D and A will get significantly smaller.
The logic is that the company had to undertake a massive capital project
before it will have a viable business.  Worldcom provides a good example.
Worldcom needed to build-out a network for voice and data transmission.
This was a massive capital expenditure that supposedly would not have to be
repeated.  Once the network was in place and paid for, Worldcom would be
profitable and not have to raise additional capital.  So at some point the
interest would be reduced as the debt was repaid, and deprecation would
decline after the network was fully depreciated.  This would result in much
higher earnings down the road.  This was the fallacy of the entire telecom

The other major category that focuses investors an EBITDA is the
aggressively growing companies spending money on acquisitions or capital
equipment.  The hope is that initial heavy borrowing requirements will be
dramatically reduced when companies' growth slows.  Then the debt will be
paid down and the capital expenditures will cut back and the company will
become a "cash cow."

There are several problems with how this works in reality.  First and
foremost today, is the assumption of constant access to capital markets to
raise funds needed to maintain growth.  Also, analysts almost always
underestimate the amount of capital expenditures required for requisite
maintenance.  The upshot is that companies will have to constantly spend
money to keeps their networks up-to-date or risk losing customers to the
competition.  Lastly, a statement of cash flows does exist in the SEC
filings.  This has a line detailing the cash flow from operations, and with
a little math, one can determine the free cash flow as well.  Just because a
company does not include the statement of cash flows with its pro-forma
earnings release does not mean it is not worth careful examination.

The telecom bubble was based on investors embracing EBITDA valuations.
Unfortunately, basing capital decisions on EBITDA, ignores interest
payments.  This causes the cost of capital to be neglected, which results in
capital structures that have little chance for long-term survival.  When
entire industries are based on this model it cannot help be cause massive

As the second quarter comes to a close, investors will keenly focus on
earnings while companies will begin providing guidance for the second half
of the year.  FirstCall's latest commentary indicates that S&P 500 companies
will post earnings gains in the second quarter, albeit only 0.2% after
adjusting for FASB 142. (The introduction of FASB 142 mandates that
companies stop amortizing goodwill.  This is the reason companies have been
taking huge goodwill write-downs lately.  Since amortization will not be
expensed, earnings will be higher for companies that previously expensed
significant amounts of goodwill.)  Earnings growth was estimated at 2.4% at
the beginning of the quarter, with pre-announcements having slowed from the
pace of the past several quarters.  In fact, this is also the most positive
quarter for pre-announcements in a long time.  Only 365 companies announced
earnings would be below analysts' expectations, with 312 announcing that
results would be better than analysts' expectations.  Last year, 571
companies warned on the downside, with only 150 announcing earnings would be

While this may sound bullish, analysts had reduced earnings estimates
dramatically after September 11.  Prior to September 11, analysts expected
S&P 500 earnings in the second quarter to grow by almost 20%.  Additionally,
everyone had expected that technology would be the leading driver of
earnings going forward.  But sentiment is shifting after a flurry of
high-profile disappointments.  Last night, Micron reported a six cent loss,
which was a dime worse than analysts expected.   Micron said its average
selling price of DRAM's pricing fell 50% from a peak in March.
Additionally, total megabits sold fell 17% sequentially due to a softening
in computer industry demand.  Micron also noted that there is no strong
evidence of a pick up in corporate IT spending.  These results caused
analysts to lower their estimates for Micron's fourth quarter and next year.
Needham slashed revenue estimates for the year ending August 2003 to $4.9
billion from $6.2 billion.  Even with these lowered estimates, Needham
remains on the high side.  FY 2003 revenue estimates for Micron range from
$3.3 billion to $5 billion.

All we can say is that accounting fraud and dismal earnings are a very bad
combination for the markets.

Stephen F. Diamond
School of Law
Santa Clara University

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