Re: Imperialism
by Ulhas Joglekar
07 July 2002 12:32 UTC

Seth Sandronsky:
>Lenin, as Jim noted, said that imperialism was the highest stage of
>capitalism.  Currently, it appears that exterminism may be a higher stage 
>yet, if the foreign policy of the current U.S. administration (pre-emptive 
>nuclear first-strike) is a guide to the future.

>Yes, no or maybe so?

Nuclear first strike was always the US and the NATO policy, as far as I
know. So what is new?  Russia has given up "no first use" doctrine. China 
has "no first use" doctrine, but I think nations with whom China has 
territorial disputes are excluded from "no first use" pledge. India's 
nuclear doctrine is based on "no first use", but one can not be sure if "no 
first use" pledge will be adhered to under crisis  situation. Pakistan 
believes in nuclear first strike.

So what is specifically American about this pre-emptive nuclear first strike 


In the post 9/11 era, a public targeting of multiple nations as potential 
first-strike targets by the U.S. political class.  I'm unaware of a past 
example of first-strike policy being publicly discussed in the US, fSU, 
China, India and Pakistan.  Please correct me if I'm wrong.  Thanks.


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