Below is an interesting piece on hedge funds. I want to make it clear that
any media cut outs sent by me do not necessarily contain views etc that I
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Short-selling hedge funds in the firing line again as stock markets crash
Critics claim London market provides too liberal an environment for short
By Nigel Cope, City Editor
23 July 2002

As stock markets continue to tumble, the search for someone to blame
intensifies. Currently in the firing line are short sellers, who sell shares
they do not own in the hope of buying it back more cheaply later on.
Typically hedge funds, short sellers are blamed for driving prices down and
increasing market volatility. They are the market's bad boys of the moment.

David Prosser, chief executive of Legal & General, has started a campaign
against short selling, saying it disadvantages long-term savers. He is also
proposing a tax on the practice as a means of discouraging it.

Yesterday saw David Varney, chairman of the mobile phone network operator
mmO2, wade into the debate. Lambasting the "woeful adequacy" of the
disclosure rules relating to short selling, he urged more stringent
regulatory procedures. "Many in the markets and industry believe aggressive
short selling is damaging interests of long-term investors," he said.

Mr Varney said that in the eight months since mmO2's demerger from BT, more
than 1.6 times its shares in issue had been traded in London. This was
despite little change in its shareholder register. "The obvious implication
is that the shares have been lent to hedge funds and other institutional
traders to enable them to trade," he said.

But are short sellers really responsible for the precipitous fall in share
prices? Or are they more a symptom than a cause? And is there a hidden
business agenda behind some of the stances taken on this controversial
issue? For example, Legal & General stopped stock lending after the 11
September tragedy as a means of trying to starve hedge funds of the shares
they need to sell short. But rivals, such as Barclays Global Investors,
continue to offer the service as it generates fees. In theory, this would
enable Barclays Global's huge Aquilla tracker fund to undercut L&G's
trackers with lower fees.

In 1990 the total capital under management of hedge funds was less than
$20bn (£13bn), says Hedge Fund Research in Chicago. Earlier this year the
amount had mushroomed to $600bn. The growth has been fuelled by the greater
fees that can be generated from hedge fund management. Falling markets have
also increased the attractions as hedge funds can sell short as well as "go
long" (ie buy shares with a view to them rising over the long term.
Conversely most traditional pension funds operate long-only positions and
cannot sell short).

The criticisms of hedge funds are legion. They are accused of poor
disclosure, limited regulation, favourable tax treatment from registering
their operations offshore and exacerbating downward movements in shares. The
collapse of Long Term Capital Management in the US in 1998, which sparked a
global financial crisis, gave hedge funds an image problem that has been
hard to shake off.

The conflicts of interest are huge. If an institution lends stock to a hedge
fund, it is likely to receive back a parcel of shares worth less than
before. How is that in the best interests of pension fund investors?

And the bulge-bracket investment banks are currently doing vast trades with
hedge funds (often more than 50 per cent of their business). How does that
service square with the services they are providing to traditional pension
fund clients? Another criticism is that hedge funds benefit the "super rich"
against the interests of ordinary savers. This is because most hedge funds
that are aimed at private clients have a minimum £100,000 investment limit.

The Financial Services Authority has conducted an initial investigation into
the issue of short selling but said it sees no case to answer, so far. "We
have done some initial analysis which does not suggest an increase in short
selling," the FSA said yesterday. "We do not see short selling as a problem
but we are continuing to monitor it."

Hedge fund managers say they have been unfairly made the whipping boys of
the bear market. Crispin Odey runs Odey Asset Management, which has $1bn of
funds with 40 per cent of that in hedge funds. He says it is ludicrous to
blame the market's woes on people such as him. "The reason the market is
going down is not because hedge funds are shorting the market. It is because
the life insurers are being forced to sell equities and buy bonds," Mr Odey
said. "None of us [hedge funds] have naked bear positions. They are all
hedged against long positions and they need to be because some of the
rallies in a bear market can be so sharp. You can't make a lot of money out
of being short as you can only make 100 per cent [if a share price falls to
zero]. Going long you can make a multiple of your investment [if a share
price soars]."

Stanley Fink, chief executive of Man Group, the UK-listed hedge fund
manager, feels hedge funds cannot have had such a powerful influence on the
market for one simple reason. "The global hedge fund industry is relatively
small. It manages about £400bn, which is less than 2 per cent of liquid
assets under management," he said.

What are the potential remedies? One is for more disclosure. Crest, the
settlement house of the London stock market, compiles stock lending figures
and could publish the data on a weekly or monthly basis so investors are
aware of stocks where there could be short positions. "It should be more
transparent because we do not have a level-playing field at the moment," one
senior fund manager said.

A second is for more regulation. Many hedge funds are registered offshore
even though the traders might be in London. Bringing them into the
regulatory loop would help dispel the mystique that has grown up around
them. As John Hatherly, head of research at M&G says: "They have grown up
overnight and there probably isn't enough regulation. Something bad could
happen and investors may not be adequately protected."

A third is for short-term market gains to be taxed. However, hedge funds say
this would damage one of the key benefits of short selling, which is to
increase liquidity.

A fourth approach would be to adopt US-style rules. There the market has an
"uptick rule" where a share can only be shorted if the last price movement
was in an upward direction.

However, market experts suggest that over regulation cannot prop up
weakening sentiment. As Edward Bonham Carter, chief executive of Jupiter
International, says: "Japan has tried to restrain it and the market has
continued to fall. I believe the fundamentals will out. Good companies go
up, bad ones go down. Hedge funds just exacerbate the movements."

Shorting relies on stock lending to work

Stock lending is a common practice used in a wide-range of market
situations, not just short selling. However, it can be used in controversial
ways such as the attack by Laxey Partners on British Land last week. The
rebel shareholder acquired a 9 per cent shareholding in the company as a
launch pad to table a series of resolutions to shake up the company. It
later emerged that most of the stock had been borrowed enabling Laxey to
vote a far larger proportion of the company's equity than it actually owned.

Institutions will sometimes lend stock directly. Or they will lend to
intermediaries, which include major banks and small, specialist boutiques.
The lender will not necessarily know the ultimate recipient of the shares.

It will charge a fee for the service. This will typically be a fraction of a
percentage point of the return on the investment. This depends on the risk
but is usually around 10 to 15 basis points.

The lender will take collateral for the loan, in cash or other shares. The
loan will be over days, weeks, months, or even years. However the lender
will reserve the right to call back its stock at any time.

Why do they do it? The simple reason is to make money. Stock lending offers
a valuable revenue stream, particularly to tracker funds which cannot engage
in active fund management.

It can backfire, of course. An institution could lend stock only to find it
is worth less than before because the borrower has been a hedge fund which
has tried to drive the price down.

But institutions argue that this outcome is far from certain and that it is
this difference in view between the "buyer" and "seller" which helps make a

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