ken hanly wrote:

>Metabolic Rift. Is that Gaia with Gas from too much hog manure?  No doubt
>the stink will drift over to some obscure
>journal such as Capitalism Socialism, Nature.
No, it is Karl Marx's concept. Let me try this one more time:

V. 3 of Capital, "The Transformation of Surplus Profit into Ground-Rent":

"Small-scale landownership presupposes that the overwhelming majority of 
the population is agricultural and that isolated labour predominates 
over social; wealth and the development of reproduction, therefore, both 
in its material and intellectual aspects, is ruled out under these 
circumstances, and with this also the conditions for a rational 
agriculture. On the other hand, large landed property reduces the 
agricultural population to an ever decreasing minimum and confronts it 
with an every growing industrial population crammed together in large 
towns; in this way it produces conditions that provoke an IRREPARABLE 
prescribed by the natural laws of life itself. The result of this is a 
squandering of the vitality of the soil, which is carried by trade far 
beyond the bounds of a single country."

Furthermore, you won't find anything about this in James O'Connor's 
journal. He has his own interpretation of the environmental crisis that 
has many useful insights but is not really engaged with what Marx wrote 
or how to extend it. This is very much the baliwick of John Bellamy 
Foster, whose scholarship on Marx's ecology is unequaled in my opinion.


Louis Proyect

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