Title: democracy

"Psychopaths are therefore found not just in prisons, but in any situation where at some stage it may be helpful to personal progression to be able to ignore or een to utilize the feelings of others. Leaders in business, in government and in any organization may sometimes be psychopaths. Paradoxically, charitable, academic, and intellectual organizations are particularly likely to generate psychopathic leaders, beause the decent, honorable, rank-and-file members of such groups, working for what seems to be a transparently good cause, often cannot bring themselvs to beieve that they are being so manipulated.

"Interestingly, in any structure where there is some form of genuine democratic control, an ability to 'throw the rascals out', psychopaths rarely survive very long at the top. This is because their absence of empathy with the needs and aspirations of others and their naked self-interest usually lead to an overreaching which arouses such a sense of disgust that the psychopath cannot survive. But he, and it is uusually a he, can do a great deal of damange in a relatively short period of time."

-- David Horrobin, THE MADNESS OF ADAM AND EVE, p. 180.


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