At 31/07/02 11:56 +0000, you wrote:
>Your argument, in short, is that progressive, perhaps even critical, 
>support for the EU project is necessary to counter the growth of US 
>hegemony and that this is more true to the spirit of Lenin than blindly 
>quoting him *out of context*. I am sure that Louis properly understands 
>this position.

I am probably not going to have time to do full justice to your reply and 
to Louis Proyect's, but although you are not far from the mark I am not 
specifically arguing we should "support" the EU. I certainly think it is in 
the interests of the international working people that Britain enters the 
euro, but my main point is that that the EU has some progressive features 
compared to the US, and is a major ally in an alliance against US 
hegemonism. It aslo has reactionary features, that will continue to have to 
be combated, and I would not trust it to lead an international campaign.

Nevertheless progressives should note the contradictions and take advantage 
of them.

Chris Burford

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