>From: "Davies, Daniel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [PEN-L:28988] RE: convergence?
>Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 08:40:41 +0100
>Sala-i-Martin is a good lad; he's a Catalonian Nationalist and thus 
>to me from my short Welsh Nash period as a writer of tracts on the economic
>viability of small European nations.  But the obvious point is that this is
>a piece of doublespeak from the Economist; the trick is to refer to South
>Korea and Indonesia as "Globalisers", and then not to say a word about the
>progress of the neoliberal agenda in China and India.  In actual fact,
>Sala-i-Martin's piece could be read as saying that, after a couple of
>decades, the only reason that the neoliberal policy mix hasn't had
>absolutely horrendous effects is that the two largest developing countries
>had the good sense to reject it.
>as the world spins ...

I was thinking the same re:neoliberalism and China and India.  Also Korea 
and Indonesia are indeed worse off (not more unequal) after Korea 
"globalised" its capital flows helping set off a crisis that Indonesia, 
AFAIK has yet to recover from.  Just a "minor" omission, I suppose.  Also, 
El Salvador is a rapid "globaliser" by any measure (tariffs were rapidly 
slashed over 6 years, several free trade agreements signed, rapid internal 
liberalization, etc.) and the results include more inequality, 500-600 
people leaving a day for the U.S, stagnant economy, egregiously low tax 
collection (and worsening due to the FTAs), colossal trade defecit, 
strangulation of the political system by compradors, and more.  
Nevertheless, U.S. govt spokesmen continues to refer to it as a model of 
economic reform in various public statements.  Go figure.

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