Washington Post, Thursday, August 1, 2002; Page A01
Economic Crisis Swells in S. America

By Anthony Faiola
Washington Post Foreign Service

MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, July 31 -- Several additional South American countries 
have been swept up in what is becoming the region's worst economic crisis 
in two decades, igniting fears of a replay of the Latin American financial 
collapses of the early 1980s.

The crisis, which analysts had hoped would be contained to Argentina's 
financial meltdown six months ago, has now spread to its neighbors Brazil, 
Uruguay and Paraguay. It has threatened to engulf other politically 
unstable economies in the region as well, including Bolivia and Venezuela, 
where analysts predict deep recessions for this year.

But this week, investor flight has particularly hit Argentina's immediate 
neighbors. In Brazil, Latin America's largest economy, government bonds 
have fallen to half their face value in recent weeks because of fears of a 
government default. The Brazilian real, in a tailspin that has lowered its 
value against the dollar by 19 percent this month, today touched its lowest 
point since going into circulation as the national currency in 1994.

Paraguay has come face-to-face with the prospect of a banking collapse and 
a deepening recession. Here in tiny Uruguay, dubbed the "Switzerland of 
Latin America" for its rock-solid financial system, government officials 
trying to stave off a debt default are seeking an immediate loan from the 
International Monetary Fund, the U.S. Treasury and other major foreign lenders.

To ease the pressure, the Uruguayan government was forced to close banks 
Tuesday for the first time in 20 years. It decided today to extend the 
banking holiday until Monday. The closure left many Uruguayans lining up in 
front of ATMs.

"We're becoming another Argentina," said Maurice Lopez, 45, a Montevideo 
store clerk who waited today to withdraw cash from an ATM. "I can't believe 
it has come to this."

full: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A28776-2002Jul31.html

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