joanna bujes :

>Yeah, I read the Wallerstein piece that was posted earlier today and I was
> profoundly underwhelmed.  It made me think that one cure for neo-marxism
> would be some kind of grunt job for at least a year (in lieu of a
> sabbatical). Beyond that, Hardt/Negri/Wallerstein/etc interest me only as
> flavors of social/intellectual/ pathology; and right now, there are more
> urgent organizing against any and all forms of US

That's right. The best way of helping other nations is to change one's own
by understanding it. What the Left in Chile (for example) thinks about
Mongolia (for example) is of no consequence. If a Chilean Marxist wants to
specialise in the history and culture of Mongolia, he is welcome to do. But
endless conjectures about distant nations by dilettantes don't help anyone.


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