>what is "Stalinophobia"? does its rejection mean that we should embrace 
>&  <http://bellarmine.lmu.edu/~jdevine>http://bellarmine.lmu.edu/~jdevine

Stalinophobia? I would consider the following as signs of the problem in 
ATC, a publication that is put out by Solidarity and amounts to a house 
organ even though they say it is formally independent:

1. Giving prominence to Branka Magas, a Yugoslav  intellectual who backed 
NATO bombing.

2. Slandered the FARC in Colombia as killers of indigenous people.

3. ATC editor Susie Weismann is a frothing-at-the-mouth Stalinophobe who 
frequently invites Stephen Schwartz on her radio show, even though he spied 
on the left during the 1980s on behalf of Edwin Meese.

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