On Thu, 15 Aug 2002, Doug Henwood wrote:

> I'm interviewing Joseph Stiglitz on my radio show in about 2 hours
> (assuming he shows up). Anyone have any questions for him? I'll be in
> email range only until about 4:15 NYC time, when I leave for the
> studio.

Damn, I had a good question, but I was offline.  Maybe you can ask him
next time you see him at a party:

Q: Recently you and George Soros wrote articles about Brazil that differed
on one major point: he though the IMF package would probably fail and you
thought it would probably succeed.  The main difference seemed to be that
you assumed that interest rates would return to 10%, in which case the
3.75% primary surplus demanded by the IMF would be attainable, and Soros
he assumed that interest rates would get stuck above 20% when, even
assuming 4% growth, the necessary primary surplus would 4.8%, which would
be impossible to attain.  Given the so far underwhelming response of the
markets to the IMF's package, do you think there's a chance Soros is
right?  And if so, what happens next?  And what do you think of his idea
of getting central banks to be the lenders of last resort and open up
their discount windows?


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