Tokyo teaches painful lesson

Japan's answer to recession could prove to be the envy of Europe and

Jonathan Watts in Tokyo
Tuesday August 20, 2002
The Guardian

'If this is a recession, I'd like to have one in my constituency".
These words, uttered by an incredulous British minister during a
recent trip to Tokyo, are being echoed with increasing frequency as
the rest of the world starts to grapple with the sort of economic
problems that Japan has lived with - in some style - for more than a

While the United States and Europe are struggling for the first time
in 70 years with the sudden bursting of a speculative bubble,
plunging stock prices and a growing fear of deflation, they are
things Japan has learnt to live with.

Since the spectacular collapse in Japanese share and property values
started in 1989, the country has by turns been demonised as a threat
to the world economy, sympathised with for the plight of its
suicidal salarymen or discredited for the government's unfashionable
attempt to spend its way out of a slump.

But as the US and others start to show many of the same symptoms
that it experienced at the start of the 1990s, many Japanese are
asking how other countries will cope with the domestic and global

Senior Japanese business leaders are already pointing across the
Pacific to identify the big risk to stability. Last week, Hiroshi
Okuda, chairman of the Japanese business federation, called the fall
of prices on Wall Street, "a serious crisis for Japan". Nobuo
Yamaguchi, chairman of the chamber of commerce and industry, warned
that it would have a large negative impact on Japanese banks'
efforts to dispose of their bad loans.

Although Japan can only lose from the slowdown of its leading export
market, there is a certain feeling of schadenfreude in Tokyo that
the accusations of crony capitalism that were levelled at Japanese
executives and politicians during the Asian financial crisis are now
being aimed at US congressmen and the chiefs of Enron, WorldCom and
a host of other disgraced companies.

Western financiers and central bankers now visit Tokyo with rather
more humility than they have done at any time in the past decade.
Where once they came to lecture Japanese officials on the need for
deregulation and laissez-faire capitalism, now they come to learn
from the country's monetary mistakes and its success in easing the
social impact of a protracted recession.

The new view of Japan as a portent rather than an aberration has
been apparent since the publication of a paper issued this summer by
the US Federal Reserve entitled "Preventing deflation: lessons from
Japan's experience in the 1990s." It drew the remarkable conclusion
that "deflation is more debilitating to economies - and harder to
control - than inflation," a significant departure for central
bankers who have long been conditioned to regard rising prices as
their biggest enemy.

Since that paper came out, analysts at major brokerage houses have
issued reams of reports on the possibility of the United States
sinking into a Japan-like slump, a once-in-60-years depression
rather than a simple cyclical recession.

It is a terrifying prospect. By just about any statistical
reckoning, Japan - the world's second biggest economy - has been a
basket case for 12 years.

In that time, stocks have collapsed by 70%, land prices by 80% and
golf-club memberships (an important gauge of business activity) by

Altogether, asset values have shrunk by a staggering 1,400 trillion
yen (£8trillion) - equivalent to wiping out the entire output of the
British economy for more than 10 years. The banking system has been
teetering on the edge of collapse for five years, a majority of
companies are bankrupt in everything but name and with public debt
at a record of 140% of GDP, Japan's credit rating has been
downgraded to levels more usually associated with impoverished
African nations.

The longest and deepest slump that Japan has suffered since the
second world war has been made worse by deflation, an economic
phenomenon not seen in a developed country since the great
depression of the 1930s.

But the bad times, it seems, have never looked so good as thousands
of visiting fans and journalists observed during the World Cup, when
they were awed by stunning new football stadiums, bustling
entertainment districts and streets thronging with stylishly-dressed
shoppers and gleaming cars.

Throughout the summer, local governments the length and breadth of
the country are staging extravagant displays with hundreds of
fireworks, some of which cost more than £10,000 pounds a piece.

And as a forest of cranes testifies, central Tokyo is in the midst
of a building boom. Next year the capital will see a record 2.2m
square metres of new office space

That this is possible after a 12-year economic implosion is largely
thanks to huge public spending, which has filled the gap left by
consumers and companies who are trying to pay down the debts left
after the fall of house and stock prices.

Monetarist economists in the West, who have spent the last decade
urging Japan to initiate a bloodbath of painful structural reforms,
say such spending and the infusion of government cash to prop up
ailing banks and companies is merely delaying the day of reckoning.

But as more countries suffer similar symptoms, another view is
gaining ground: that free-market capitalism - which works
effectively if painfully in a normal recession - is at best useless
and at worst counter-productive in a depression. Supporters of this
theory claim Japan has achieved a second economic miracle in keeping
its economy afloat for so long with interventionist government

"When the bubble burst, Japan faced an identical pattern to that of
the United States at the start of the great depression in the 1930s,
yet we stayed around zero per-cent growth. That is miraculous," said
Richard Koo, chief economist at the Nomura Research Institute, and
an influential government adviser. "I think Japan's fiscal stimulus
is one of the most successful policies in the history of mankind. It
held in place tremendous deflationary pressures."

Mr Koo says that when he recently visited Washington, the White
House assistant for economic affairs, Larry Lindsey concurred that
the US faces a balance-sheet crisis like Japan's.

Most economists, however, say a rerun is unlikely because the
similarities between the US and Japan are not as significant as the
differences. They say the former has a stronger financial system and
sharper central bankers whereas the latter's problems are compounded
by a rapidly ageing society and a lack of political leadership.

But there is another difference that is potentially more worrying
for the global economy. Japan is the world's greatest creditor
nation, whereas the United States is the biggest debtor.

Even during the past 12 years of stagnation, Japanese savings have
increased, which has effectively allowed the government to borrow
from its own citizens to pay for repeated fiscal painkillers.

For this reason, Japan's problems have mostly been contained within
Japan. No other major country has the resources to do this on
anything like the same scale. If the United States needs another
1930s-style New Deal, it is unlikely to have such easy access to

In that sense, the most frightening lesson that could be drawn from
Japan's experience is that the government in Tokyo has been getting
it right for the past 12 years. A depression eased by football
stadiums and firework displays could yet be the envy of the world.

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