Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:
> No mass political party and movement = no theory and no strategy.
> Activism for the sake of activism, lacking in theory and strategy, is
> inevitable under the current conditions of TINA.

A ghostly presence in marxist practice ( over the last 35 years has been
the final sloganeering sentence in WITBD: "Liquidate the Third Period."
Some such sentiment, in fact, seems to have characterized much political
"theorizing" even on the part of those who have never read a word of
Lenin or who don't even consider themselves marxist.

This is utterly inapplicable for the simple reason that we've never,
during that time, even reached the "Second Period." "What should we do?"
is a sort of hollow question when a "we" to consult has not even
embryonically come into existence.



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