Hari Kumar wrote:

> I suggest that the term is still meaningful.  [Even despite the
> increasingly 'narrow' stage on which national capitalists can play in
> today's even more inter-penetrated world].  It describes for instance
> the opponents of Chavez in the recent tussles in Venezuela. ie. Those
> whose vested interests (you use the term accumulation) reside in
> external imperial connections. The original term according to Oxford
> dictionary was coined regarding the agents for imperial shipping firms
> in China. I think that this still describes a grouping whose primary
> economic function is as the funnel of imperialism into various
> semi-colonies or neo-colonial states. This is largely different from the
> role of political sycophancy that for instance, Mr.Blair - leading
> representatives of rival imperialism may indulges in.

I don't know anything about Venezuela. My question was about the concept of
comprador capital, if there is one. Similarly we need the concepts of other
terms you use, viz. semi-colony, neo-colony etc., if loose talk about x or y
nation being a colony/semi-colony/neocolony is to be avoided. Perhaps you
offer a set of definitions which can be applied consistently and rigorously
to various social formations.


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