At 03:47 PM 8/20/2002 -0400, Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:
>>I don't think 57% is right. The percentage of high-school graduates 
>>enrolled in college for the subsequent year was at a high of 67% in 1997, 
>>and over 60% ever since (see 
>> for latest figures), and 
>>the percentage of all 25-29 year-olds with "some college" was over 66% in 
>>1999 (and has been climbing at a fairly steady rate for some time - see 
>About 66% of high school graduates get "some college education," but not 
>everyone graduates from high school.  Counting the high school dropout 
>rate, it's about 57% of young Americans who get "some college education."

Eh - the second site I offer does count the high school dropout rate, and 
says that over 66% of ALL 25-29 year-olds had "some college education" in 
1999, and shows that this has been rising steadily (the implication being 
that it's extremely unlikely that this figure would have fallen over the 
last few years, much less fallen by a full 10%). If you have an actual 
source for the 57% figure, I'd welcome it.


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