Dear Colleagues, Please pardon this generic invitation, but I'm writing to encourage each of you to participate in ICAPE’s conference on the future of heterodox economics next June at the University of Missouri, Kansas City.
URPE is an important voice within ICAPE, and I hope that it will be a central part of this conference. Though initially formed (in 1993) in response to AEA cutbacks of heterodox sessions at its annual meetings, ICAPE's broader purpose is to promote pluralism in the analytical perspectives, methods, policy discourse, and education of professional economists. This conference will be the most visible expression of this mission to date. I hope that it also will provide opportunities for URPE members to present their work and to help set the agenda for the future of heterodox economics. The proposal deadline is November 1. I hope to hear from many of you between now and then. Sincerely, Rob Garnett The International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE) announces its first conference on THE FUTURE OF HETERODOX ECONOMICS 5 - 7 June 2003 University of Missouri at Kansas City, USA Founded in 1993, ICAPE is a consortium of 40 organizations working to foster pluralism in the analytical perspectives, methods, policy discourse, and education of professional economists. Now, ten years on, ICAPE is sponsoring its first conference: on the future of heterodox economics. The aim of this conference is to think anew about heterodox economics - about who we are, intellectually and institutionally - in the light of: · the passing of the Cold War and its rigid dichotomies (market/state, left/right) · the gradual dissolution of Cold War neoclassicism (centered on Walrasian GE theory) · the aging and declining membership of many heterodox organizations · the youth-driven push for greater pluralism in economics, sparked by the PAE movement · the increasingly vibrant pluralism displayed in heterodox journals, many of which formerly were devoted to a single school of thought Our aim is to encourage new dialogues among schools of thought and across generations, especially between our elders (senior scholars who have inspired the revival of heterodox economics over the past 20-30 years) and our youth. In this way we hope to create new resources - energy, ideas, debates, alliances, projects - for the future of heterodox economics, and indeed of economics itself, internationally. We seek proposals offering fresh perspectives on heterodox economic theory, policy, and pedagogy at the graduate and undergraduate levels. We especially welcome efforts to integrate - or to create new conversations among - heretofore separate strands of thought, including (but not limited to) Austrian Economics, Behavioral Economics, Black Political Economy, Ecological Economics, Evolutionary Economics, Feminist Economics, Georgist Economics, Historical Economics, Institutionalism, Marxism, Post Keynesian Economics, Postmodern Economics, Postcolonial Economics, Social Economics, and Sraffian Economics. Please send proposals (including 250-word abstract) to Rob Garnett, Department of Economics, Box 298510, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX 76129, or to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Proposal deadline: November 1, 2002 Notification date: December 15, 2002 The conference fee is $120 (including lunches, tea/coffee/juice, and a conference dinner) and is payable upon acceptance of your proposal. No fee is required to submit a proposal. Current ICAPE Associates Agent-Based Computational Economics (ACE) Association for Evolutionary Economics (AFEE) Association for Heterodox Economics (AHE) Association for Institutional Thought (AFIT) Association for Social Economics (ASE) Association for Social and Political Economy (ASPE) Belgian-Dutch Association for Institutional and Political Economy (AIPE) Center for Full Employment and Price Stability (CFEPS) Conference on Problems of Economic Change (COPEC) Congress of Political Economists International (COPE) Eastern Economic Association (EEA) European Association for Bioeconomic Studies (EABS) European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET) German Association for Political Economy (GAPE) Global Development and Environment Institute (G-DAE) The Gide Society (GIDE) History of Economics Society (HOES) Institute for Institutional and Social Economics (IISO) International Atlantic Economic Society (IAES) International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE) International Economics and Philosophy Society (IEPS) International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society (ISS) International Network for Economic Method (INEM) International Papers in Political Economy (IPPE) International Review of Applied Economics (IRAE) International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) International Society for the Intercommunication of New Ideas (ISINI) International Society for New Institutional Economics (ISNIE) International Thorstein Veblen Association (ITVA) International Working Group on Value Theory (IWGVT) Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics (JAFEE) Journal of Post Keynesian Economics (JPKE) Karl Polanyi Institute of Political Economy (KPIPE) Post-Keynesian Economic Study Group (PKESG) Regional Economic and Social Development (RESD) Rethinking Marxism (RM) Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE) Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) Society for the Development of Austrian Economics (SDAE) Society of Political Economy (SEP) Union for Radical Political Economics (URPE) -- Michael Perelman Economics Department California State University [EMAIL PROTECTED] Chico, CA 95929 530-898-5321 fax 530-898-5901