>Someone wrote the other day:

How amusing. Doug is afraid to mention my name like in Beetlejuice. 
Everybody knows that if you say "Proyect" 3 times in rapid succession, the 
gates of hell will open up and engorge the U. Mass economics department.

In any case, the news he posted on undergraduates is reassuring. It is 
their flag-waving liberal professors, however, who I really worry about. 
BTW, here's what one of the vanguard elements of the undergraduate 
population has to say on the good Toni Negri.


First of all, I don't even understand what the hell language Negri is 
speaking. In terms of "exodus" and "multitudes" and "molecular characters" 
and "bio-power" his responses read like Scripture on steroids. If you pick 
up an article by say Zinn or Chomsky (with some concentration), you can 
quickly understand their points, examples, overall arguments, all of that. 
Instead with Negri, he seems to be stuck on the theoretical-masturbationist 
plane of thought; he practically doesn't even mention any concrete events 
of the war on terror, their weight and impact, anything. I suppose I should 
be used to this now, especially as I have a friend in Texas who takes 
classes with Harry Cleaver, but it never ceases to amaze me.

"What is absolutely new with respect to the book's structure is the fact 
that the American reaction is configuring itself as a regressive backlash 
contrary to the imperial tendency. It is an imperialist backlash within and 
against Empire that is linked to old structures of power, old methods of 
command, and a monocratic and substantialist conception of sovereignty that 
represents a counter tendency with respect to the molecular and relational 
characters of the imperial bio-power that we had analysed."

Translation: we were wrong about the death of imperialism, we were wrong 
about the (un)importance of the state, we were wrong to hold 
'globalization' as a messiah that 'transcended' capitalism as a whole.

"But to think that Bush's government is America does not make any sense. 
Despite all that is happening, American society is still a completely open 
machine. Therefore even if Bush's project is monocratic and imperialist it 
is wrong to regard the United States as such as monocratic and imperialist."

This is like tautology in reverse. How is American society an "open 
machine" in any social or political sense of the word in regards to 
tolerance of radical opinions? Earlier he says there is no countervailing 
tendency to the media. If it is open in the sense that there are better 
capitalists out there who are more farsighted than Bush that can take over, 
it is not at all clear how this waves away imperialism. It seems to me that 
reality has contradicted Empire's thesis, so Negri has invented a 
'contradiction' whereby his principle stands on one side, with the full 
weight of postmodernism behind it (read: none), and some especially 
reactionary and unsavory group of capitalists just happen to currently 
occupy the other side, the removal of which will end imperialism.

This obsession with 'transcending' the boundaries of the nation-state as an 
assumption for all analysis leaves something to be desired. In the Cold 
War, the West formed supra-national organizations to strangle the birth of 
socialist movements whenever and wherever possible. But in the absence of a 
big countervailing power, the most powerful Western country, on a political 
level, has no real reason to tie itself down. In a sense America is 
maneuvering against Europe to gain further control of energy and oil 
reserves, though Negri treats this as if it is a very strange occurence.

This trend called autonomist Marxism sounds like the GQ and Croquet Club of 

M. Junaid Alam

Louis Proyect

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